Volume 5A: Strange Bedfellows - Page 2 (2024)

Carolyn inhaled deeply as she stared out the car window. Then she exhaled with a long and drawn-out cross between a breath and a sigh.

"Please stop doing that," Adelaide said in annoyance.

"Sorry," Carolyn replied quietly. "I'm just... trying to stay calm. I feel like I'm going to be sick..."

"You're not going to be sick," Adelaide said tersely as she steered the car back toward the city streets. "Especially not on my new leather seats. Just don't work yourself into a panic."

Carolyn nodded. But despite her best efforts, her breathing maintained a heavier rate than usual.

Adelaide was about to say something in anger and aggravation, but she caught Duke in the rearview mirror, casually licking Carolyn's hand. Judging by her expression, Carolyn either didn't mind or was too upset to notice.

"Why don't I open the window." Adelaide hit a button, allowing the passenger-side window to slide downward. Carolyn felt a rush of cold air hit her face.

"Feel better?" Adelaide asked.

Carolyn wasn't sure what to say. Before she could form any response, however, Duke bounded onto her lap and stuck his head out the window, allowing his tongue to flap in the wind.

Despite her current mood and the surrounding circ*mstances, Carolyn couldn't help but laugh.

"I think it made someone feel better," she noted with a smile.

Adelaide smiled as well. "He loves doing that, ever since he was a puppy. Really spices up the long car rides."

Carolyn scratched the dog behind the ears. "Sounds like you two have known each other for a while."

"Seven years and counting," Adelaide nodded. "You have any pets?"

Carolyn shook her head. "I've always wanted a cat, but never got one. Atsuko's allergic..."

Her voice trailed off again near the end as she mentioned her wife's name. But she quickly recovered. "I'm... I'm not going to cry again. She would want me to be strong."

Adelaide nodded. "We'll get her back," she said softly. "I promise."

Carolyn continued scratching Duke's ears for a few minutes as the car hummed along in silence.

Then she spoke. "The bank is probably packed with security. I... guess you have a plan for getting inside?"

Adelaide nodded. "I do."

"Does it... does it involve mugging any more women?"

"A few. Is that a problem?

Carolyn sighed, slowly and softly. "Not if there isn't another option."

Adelaide pulled the car up to the curb of a dark side street. Most of the buildings in the neighborhood were closed at this hour; the only sign of activity came from a dim light from a garage at the corner.

"There might be other options," she said to Carolyn. "But I'm working from experience. I have a lot of experience in the art of infiltration and disguise, and those are the tactics I rely on. I can try to use other options, but it would almost certainly put Atsuko's life at extra risk."

Carolyn bit her lip. "I... I understand."

Adelaide pointed at the garage on the corner. There was a shop just beside it with a sign marked "Electric Repair."

"If the normal schedule holds," she said, "there should still be a couple of electricians working late in there. They should be able to provide us with what we need." She opened the door and hopped out. "Want to wait in the car? I'll signal when the coast is clear."

Carolyn nodded. "Just... don't hurt them too badly."

Adelaide patted the pouch of chloroform pads at her hip. "Don't worry. I've got this covered."

She crept silently towards the garage. Carolyn remained in the car, the softly whimpering dog on her lap.

"I just can't figure that woman out," she murmured. "What do you think, Duke?"

In response, the dog simply wagged his tail.


There were indeed two women working at this hour in the garage, although neither one was particularly thrilled about it.

"Can't believe we get stuck with the late shift," Debra muttered, crossing her arms and leaning against the side of the company van. "Whose idea was it to keep the place open twenty-four hours a day?"

She was an athletic woman of average height, with alabaster skin and short magenta-dyed hair in sideswept bangs. She wore a standard uniform of dark blue long-sleeve coveralls, slate-grey woolen cap, and black rubber-soled safety boots.

"That would be our employers," Jessie replied, from the work desk where she was currently tinkering over a small phone. "Take it up with them."

She was slightly shorter than her coworker, with almond skin and frizzy black hair tied back into a low ponytail. She was attired in a uniform similar to Debra, although her boots were light brown.

Debra glanced at her watch. "Still another forty-five minutes till we punch out," she muttered. "I'm gonna grab a midnight snack from the mini-fridge. Want something?"

"Wouldn't mind a drink," Jessie said, her eyes still focused on her work. "Something with caffeine, preferably."

"Coming right up." Debra disappeared through the door leading into the shop.

Jessie remained at her desk, concentrating on the small but intricate device before her. Her hands expertly maneuvered the small tools over the phone's inner workings.

Her concentration on her work was laser-focused; her concentration on her surroundings, however, was markedly less so. Thus, she did not hear the soft footfalls entering the garage, or the silent woman responsible for them.

Adelaide sized up the young woman. From the back, she appeared to be a good size for Carolyn. Now it was but a quick matter of rendering her inert.

Adelaide thought of Carolyn's words again. Don't hurt them too badly.

The chloroform pads were relatively harmless, and usually did the trick. However, they ran the risk of creating a prolonged struggle, during which her target in question could cause quite a ruckus. Adelaide needed the knockout to be quick and quiet.

Fortunately, she had other methods. Carolyn didn't need to know...

Jessie remained fixated on her work as Adelaide slowly crept up behind her. In a way, Adelaide admired how immersed this woman was in her project - even if it would cost her dearly.

Pushing any stray thoughts from her brain, Adelaide aimed one of her patented judo chops to the side of the woman's neck.

Jessie felt a sharp pain at her neck, and for an instant, her eyes froze in a widened position. Then, they rolled back into her head. She let out a soft moan as she fell backwards from her stool, right into Adelaide's waiting arms.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Adelaide smiled as she lowered the woman to the floor. "Now, let's see about your coworker..."

But as she turned back to the shop doorway, Adelaide froze. The magenta-haired woman had just stepped through the door, two soda cans in hand, and was looking on in shock at the sight of Adelaide standing over her unconscious partner.

"Who the hell are you?" she snarled.

"I can explain." Adelaide tried using a soothing voice. She needed to buy a few seconds in order to get closer to this woman...

Unfortunately, Debra was very much a "shoot first, ask questions later" type of girl. She immediately chucked one of the soda cans she was holding at Adelaide's head.

Adelaide skillfully dodged the first soda can... but did not have time to react to the second one. It grazed the side of her head, sending a jolt of pain into her cranium.

"Errgghh..." Adelaide dropped to her knees, clutching the side of her head. She felt dizzy.

Debra approached her angrily, grabbing her by the collar and hoisting her upward. "You've got five seconds to tell me why I shouldn't have you arrested."

"W-wait..." Adelaide could hardly get her bearings enough to formulate a complete sentence. "I... I'm..."

Debra scowled. "One of those street thugs, eh? I know how to deal with the likes of you."

She raised her fist, preparing to punch Adelaide's lights out. Adelaide was too discombobulated to fight back. She simply closed her eyes and braced herself.

But no fist came speeding toward her face. Instead, Adelaide heard a "MMMPPHH!" noise, and was immediately dropped to the ground.

Adelaide opened her eyes. Debra was still standing over her, but was concentrating on other matters. Specifically, the fact that another woman had grabbed her from behind and was pressing a chloroform pad over her mouth and nose.

"I'm very sorry about this," Carolyn said, even as she kept the pad firmly pressed over the struggling woman's face. "Please... please don't make this more difficult than it needs to be."

Debra growled into the chloroform pad and tried reaching around behind to pull at Carolyn's hair. But the redhead had tied her hair back into a ponytail, making it difficult for the electrician to reach. "Please, just stop struggling. I don't like this anymore than you do."

"Hrrrmmmpphh..." Debra was weakening. Her eyelids fluttered. Carolyn could feel the woman's strength draining away.

"You'll be okay," she whispered softly into the woman's ear. "I promise. Everything's gonna be okay..."

Debra slumped in Carolyn's grip, unconscious.

Carolyn exhaled in relief and lowered the woman to the floor. Then she reached out a hand to Adelaide to help her up.

Adelaide gripped Carolyn's hand gratefully and got to her feet. "That was amazing. Thank you."

"I was going to stay in the car," Carolyn admitted. "But I couldn't help myself. I heard some commotion and came running."

"I'm very glad you did," Adelaide smiled. "That woman was about to knock me into next Tuesday. Ouch." She clutched at the side of her head.

"Let me see that." Carolyn glanced at Adelaide's temple. "You've got a bruise there. Should put some ice on it to prevent swelling."

"Don't worry about me," Adelaide retorted. "We're pressed for time, remember? Let's get dressed."

Carolyn nodded, glancing down at the two fallen women. She pointed at the dark-haired girl. "I think she's about my size."

"Just start stripping her," Adelaide urged. "I'll take the other one."

Carolyn nodded, and knelt down beside the unconscious Jessie.

For a few minutes, the two women worked in silence, removing the uniforms and boots from the two electricians. Carolyn kept her thoughts on Atsuko. For you, darling. I'm doing all this for you.

It made her feel a little better to acknowledge it, but it still couldn't alleviate the guilt she felt at attacking these poor women.

Before long, both electricians were reduced to their underwear. Jessie wore a black-and-white checkered bikini bra and lavender knickers. Debra sported a turquoise T-shirt bra and palm-green boyshorts.

Adelaide found some black cables and blue electrical tape on one of the shelves. "Get dressed. I'll tie them up."

Carolyn hurriedly began changing into the still-warm uniform. Meanwhile, Adelaide began binding and gagging the two women.

"Don't make the ropes too tight," Carolyn said. "They could get a cramp."

Adelaide chuckled. "Don't worry, doll. I've been tying up women for years, and I've never had an unsatisfied customer."

Carolyn groaned inwardly, but returned her concentration to lacing up the boots.

Pretty soon, the two electricians were both silenced and secured. Adelaide dragged them into a nearby supply closet and shut the door.

"How long till somebody finds them?" Carolyn asked.

Adelaide shrugged. "Six, maybe seven hours. Whenever they open tomorrow... Look, stop worrying about them, okay? We got what we need."

She grabbed the uniform and boots from the floor. "We'll take their van to complete the disguise. I'll get changed in the back." She glanced at Carolyn. "Do you mind driving? I've still got a bit of a headache from that soda can."

Carolyn nodded slowly. "Yes... I'll drive. What's the next part of the plan?"

"I'll explain on the way to the bank. Let's move."


Evelyn's suggestion to use motorbikes as transportation had been a good one. She and her friends were able to navigate their way through the city streets and side alleys with hardly any disturbances.

Before long, they reached the First National Bank. An impressive structure, standing at four stories of tinted glass and polished aluminum. By day, it was a veritable beehive of activity. At night, most employees had gone home, but there were still a few who worked late hours. Additionally, due to the high amount of savings stored in their vaults, the bank employed round-the-clock security to ensure the safety of their customers' assets.

Evelyn pulled her motorbike to a stop across the street from the bank. Jenna and Harper pulled up behind them.

"There it is, girls," Evelyn announced. "The most heavily secured bank in the city. And we've got to finagle our way inside."

"Why not just go through the front door?" Jenna asked. "We'll explain to them that we're trying to catch a pair of crooks who are going to break into the Valencia Steele account. They'll beef up security and catch the bad guys."

"Bad girls," Harper corrected.

But Evelyn shook her head. "Sorry, but you heard Ms. Caldwell. She doesn't want to involve the authorities, including those at the bank. We need to catch these criminals ourselves, quickly and without alerting any outsiders to our presence."

"Are you sure they'll try to enter the bank tonight?" Harper inquired. "Maybe they'll wait till morning... or even next week."

"I doubt it," Evelyn responded. "Once they stole the codes from Ms. Caldwell, they probably figure it's just a matter of time till someone catches up with them. I would be surprised if they waited till tomorrow to strike."

Harper considered this, and nodded. "Okay, good point. Follow-up question: How the hell do we get inside the bank without alerting anyone? They've probably got security cameras and guards posted everywhere."

Evelyn nodded in understanding. "It won't be easy," she admitted, "but where there's a will, there's a way."

She glanced at the building again. "Come on... let's circle around to the back. There's gotta be another entrance."

Quietly, the three women made their way to the rear of the banking complex, careful to avoid passing any windows or external cameras.

Peeking through the tall bushes, Evelyn squinted. A lone lightbulb shone above the rear service entrance. There was no one about.

"Should we try the door?" Jenna asked.

"Probably locked," Evelyn reasoned, gesturing to the small keycard scanner near the door. "There must be a way..."

At that moment, the sound of squeaking hinges indicated that the door was opening. Evelyn quickly ducked down out of sight, motioning for her friends to keep quiet.

The door opened, and a tall, well-toned woman stepped into the backlot. She had light skin and shoulder-length strawberry-blonde hair. She wore a tan button-down shirt and black tie, with dark blue trousers and shiny black loafers. A peaked black cap was perched upon her head, and a small security badge was pinned just above her left breast. There was a holstered gun strapped to one of her hips, and a small white keycard pinned to the other.

"That must be one of the bank's security guards," Evelyn whispered.

"Brilliant deduction, Sherlock," Harper replied dryly. "No wonder you make the big bucks."

The guard withdrew a cigarette and silver lighter from her pocket. She leaned against the wall as she lit it up.

"She's got a keycard," Jenna pointed out. "If we could grab it, we'd be able to get inside."

"Big deal," Harper grumbled. "We're not going to blend in like this."

Jenna shrugged. "Then I'm out of ideas. Unless you want to, I dunno, knock that guard out and put on her uniform." She chuckled slightly.

Evelyn's eyes sparked. "That's a great idea."

"What?" Jenna looked surprised. "No, I was being sarcastic. Obviously we can't knock women out and steal their clothes."

"Why not?" Evelyn countered. "Some other women did it to us, remember?"

"Of course I remember. But they were wrong, and we'd be wrong if we emulated their behavior. Besides, if that guard gets mugged for her uniform, she could lose her job, the same way we did."

"I don't much care about her job," Evelyn replied bluntly. "I care about ours. We have a task to complete, and it may involve bending a few laws."

Harper nodded. "Uniform thefts are becoming more common these days," she noted. "It's just a part of the world now. If we don't get on board, it won't be long before we get mugged again."

Jenna sighed. "It just feels to me like we're taking part in a disturbing trend."

"Call it what you want." Evelyn quietly rose to her feet. "In the meantime, I've got a uniform to steal."

The security guard had her back turned to the bushes and was puffing idly away at her cigarette. She did not hear the soft footfalls of the woman slowly creeping up behind her. The guard was also facing the overhead light, meaning that Evelyn had no risk of being betrayed by her shadow.

The guard finished her cigarette and dropped it to the ground, crushing it with the heel of her shoe. She exhaled in satisfaction, ready to go back indoors.

But her plans were unceremoniously interrupted, as a muscled arm encircled her neck and a female hand clamped over her mouth.

"Hgghhmmhhh? Hhhmmmmppphhh!" The guard's emotions cycled quickly, from shock to confusion to anger. By the time she worked up the sense to fight back, she had been pulled off-balance, with Evelyn dragging her back towards the bushes.

The guard's shoes scuffed at the gravel beneath her feet. Evelyn tightened her grip around the woman's neck, applying specific pressure to her carotid artery. An old form of sleeper hold she had learned years earlier in self-defense class - though her instructor likely had not intended it to be used for this purpose.

Nevertheless, the tactic proved marvelously effective. By the time they reached the bushes, the blonde woman's strength had drained away. She slumped, limp and unconscious, in Evelyn's grip.

Evelyn dragged the guard into the bushes and laid her on the ground. She smiled at her colleagues. "How'd I do? Pretty good, eh?"

"Badass," Harper agreed. "Looks like this mission is gonna be more fun than I thought."

Jenna glanced down at the unconscious woman. "We are going to get in so much trouble for this."

"No we won't," Evelyn replied wearily. "Harper's right - tons of women are getting mugged for their clothes these days."

"The world is changing," Harper nodded. "We need to get with the times."

Jenna snorted. "Whatever."

"Just keep a lookout, will you?" Harper said. "Make sure no one else pops by and sees us."

Jenna muttered something under her breath, but obeyed.

While she kept watch, Evelyn and Harper stripped the security guard of her uniform and boots. Beneath her clothes, the guard wore a plum-colored bandeau bra and neon-green cheeky panties.

Evelyn tossed Harper a roll of black duct tape. "Tie her up while I get dressed."

Evelyn was of course no stranger to wearing security uniforms, but this was the first time she had donned one that had been purloined from another woman. The uniform fit rather well, give or take an inch around the waist.

After lacing up the shoes, she strapped the gun holster to her hip and held up the keycard. "Our ticket inside, girls."

Harper finished binding and gagging the woman. "Fantastic. Let's get a move on."

Jenna looked down at the real guard, still sleeping peacefully amidst her duct-tape restraints. "She's gonna go through it too, you know."

"Go through what?" Evelyn asked.

"We had our uniforms stolen, and now we're motivated to steal another woman's uniform. And someday in the future, this woman will be inspired to steal a uniform from a different woman. And so on, and so on."

"It's the circle of life," Harper chortled.

"It's an endless paradigm," Jenna said. "At some point, the line needs to be broken. Otherwise, women are just going to keep stealing other women's clothes from now till eternity."

"Can we have the philosophy debates later?" Evelyn stood and brushed off her new uniform. "Right now we've got work to do."

She stepped out of the bushes and motioned for her friends to follow. "Come on. Time's a-wasting."

Harper followed. So did Jenna, after a last backward glance at the real guard.


Atsuko's mouth was dry. Her wrists were raw. And she was fatigued from her continuing struggles.

Nevertheless, she refused to fall asleep. She knew what was at stake... and she had to stay strong.

Across the room from the chair she had been bound to, Kelly and Addison were poring over a few maps and brochures, clearly mapping out their future. They were paying little heed to Atsuko... But every so often, Kelly glanced her way. Just in case the young woman was attempting another escape.

Summoning her strength, Atsuko spoke out. "You... you can still walk away from this."

Kelly glanced her way again. "You say something, squirt?"

"I said..." Atsuko took a breath. "I said, you can still walk away from this. Let me go, and I won't press charges. You can get away, and forget this ever happened."

Addison smirked. "And why would we want to do that?" she asked. "In case you didn't notice, we're holding all the cards in this game."

"Because..." Atsuko thought for a moment. "If anything happens to me, my sister will come after you."

"Your sister?" Kelly said with a note of amusem*nt in her voice. "What, is she a cop?"

"No," Atsuko replied. "She's actually a criminal on her own. And a dangerous one. Toshiko Suzuki... I suppose you've heard of her."

Kelly and Addison exchanged a glance. "Toshiko..." Kelly said speculatively. "Wasn't that the name of the woman Valencia Steele hired to bomb Cerberus?"

"I thought that was Karima," Addison replied. "Anyway... we're not scared of your sister, girlie. Or anyone else, for that matter."

"Well, you should be," Atsuko pressed. "Let me go or you'll be sorry. Let me go or..."

"Addison darling," Kelly said off-handedly. "Be a dear and gag our little guest, why don't you."

Addison picked up the duct tape with a grin. "I thought you'd never ask."

"Wait, no! Listen to mmmmmmpppppphhh!" Atsuko found herself silenced midsentence as Addison applied a thick strip of duct tape over her lips.

"You've said quite enough tonight, darling," Addison smiled, smoothing the tape over Atsuko's cheeks.

Atsuko glared at her, but could do nothing else.

Addison turned her back and strode back to the table, leaving Atsuko behind. Bound, silenced... and more helpless than ever.

Slowly, Atsuko's steely façade began to crack. A single tear rolled down her cheek.

I'm sorry, Carolyn... I'm so... so sorry.


The keycard did the trick. Evelyn stepped inside the bank and, making sure the coast was clear, beckoned Jenna and Harper in as well.

"All right, girls," she said quietly, pointing to a nearby closet. "Better go hide in there for now. I'll find you some disguises like mine."

"Here it goes," Jenna said with another roll of her eyes. "You steal one uniform, and then you get the urge to steal another, and another..."

"Quit griping and do what she says." Harper grasped Jenna's arm and dragged her into the closet.

Evelyn continued down the hallway, trying to appear normal and nonchalant. Still, there was a briskness in her step, as she knew Ms. Caldwell expected her to complete her job sooner rather than later.

Fortunately, she did not have to scour the halls for long. Turning the corner, she spotted two other security guards, standing by the ice machine and chatting with one another.

The two women were dressed in security uniforms similar to the one Evelyn had stolen, and were about the same size as she and her friends. One of them was a slim but athletic woman with dark skin and black hair in a French braid. The other was slightly more muscular, with light skin and short straw-colored bangs. They nodded politely at Evelyn as she approached.

Evelyn nodded back. Then she spoke in a professional tone. "Good evening, fellow officers. Might I request your assistance down the hall?" She gestured behind her. "Appears that someone broke the lock on the back entrance."

The two guards exchanged a glance, then shrugged. They began following Evelyn back down the hall.

Evelyn suppressed a grin. Fish in a barrel, she thought.

They reached the rear entrance. Evelyn pointed. "There, take a look."

The French-braided guard approached, looking at the lock in confusion. It appeared to be in perfect working order. The straw-haired guard stood behind her, flicking on her flashlight.

Suddenly, the closet door directly perpendicular to the rear entrance opened, and a gloved hand shot out. It covered the mouth of the startled guard. She was swiftly pulled into the closet, her flashlight dropping to the floor.

The sound of the light hitting the ground alerted the French-braided officer, and she turned with a start. However, before she could reach for her gun, Evelyn stunned her from behind with a judo chop. The woman stiffened, then fell backwards with a soft moan. Evelyn caught her and dragged her into the closet as well.

Harper had already rendered the straw-haired guard unconscious, and propped her up against the wall. She smiled as Evelyn entered. "Welcome to the party."

Evelyn set the second guard down beside her unconscious friend. "I think this one's closer to your size, Jenna. Hurry up and get changed."

Jenna sighed as she knelt down and began unlacing the straw-haired guard's shoes. "You know," she remarked, "women fought for years."

"Fought for what?" Harper asked as she began stripping the other guard.

"For equality, of course," Jenna said matter-of-factly. "Fifty years ago, female security guards were highly uncommon. It's only in the last few decades that we've seen an uptick in women entering the security profession. Not to mention the police force, the military, even the space program."

She pulled off the guard's shoes. "And yet, just as women are entering these jobs... they're winding up in increasingly embarrassing situations. Every other day, there's another story on the news - some policewoman, or military woman, or female security guard is found in a closet, bound and gagged, stripped to her underwear."

Harper shrugged as she continued her stripping procedure. "So? Like I said, it's just the world we live in."

"Well, we shouldn't encourage it," Jenna said in annoyance. "Every time a professional woman gets her uniform stolen, the progress that we've made in the workforce takes a step backwards. We should be applauding women who take serious and dangerous jobs - not stripping them and leaving them tied up in a closet."

Now it was Harper's turn to sigh. "You're taking this too seriously, Jen."

Evelyn nodded. "As long as other women continue stealing uniforms as a means of accomplishing their goals, we need to do the same. Adapt or get left behind." She looked at her wristwatch. "Table the arguments for now and get dressed. We've gotta move."

Jenna wanted to press the point further, but decided it best to keep quiet and comply. She finished stripping the one guard just as Harper finished stripping the other.

The French-braided guard wore a shale-grey woolen sports bra and chartreuse high-cut briefs. The straw-haired guard wore an orchid full-cup bra and green-blue striped v-kini panties. Evelyn used some of the spare tape to bind and gag them while Harper and Jenna put on their uniforms.

The real guards were beginning to stir by the time Evelyn had finished securing them. She stood and looked at her two cohorts, eyeing their disguises. "Perfect. No one will suspect a thing."

"This uniform reminds me of the one I wore back during my first job," Harper remarked. "I spent six months as a museum security guard. Good hours, good pay."

"And I'll bet no one ever mugged you for your uniform back then," Jenna pressed.

"Nope! Those were simpler times." Harper glanced at her watch. "Shall we get moving?"

"We shall." Evelyn opened the door and stepped out. Harper followed.

Jenna lingered in the closet, watching as the two real security guards regained consciousness and began assessing their predicament.



Jenna knelt down beside them. "Look, I know you're probably angry right now, but... when you get free, try to return to your normal lives. Don't go finding other women and mugging them for their clothes like we do. The cycle needs to end, and you can help end it."

The guards looked at her in confusion.

"And despite how this looks, I have great respect for women who engage in dangerous jobs like you do," Jenna continued. "You're both great feminist role models! We just... needed your uniforms tonight. I hope you understand. I hope--"

"Jen, you coming?" Harper called from outside.

"Yes, yes." Jenna stood up and adjusted her peaked cap. "Good night, ladies. Thanks for your clothes. I hope this is the last time someone steals them."

She exited the closet and shut the door. The two bound-and-gagged guards exchanged a bewildered glance.


Carolyn carefully pulled the maintenance van up to the underground entrance of the bank's parking garage.

"Now remember," Adelaide said from the passenger seat. "Keep calm and stick to the script."

Carolyn nodded. "Got it."

She rolled down the window as she approached the guard booth.

The guard on duty looked up at her, and at the electronics van itself. "Can I help you?"

Carolyn flashed a smile. "We were called here... by the bank's management. To inspect a defective alarm system..."

Her voice trailed off as she glanced at Adelaide, who held her breath. They had the uniforms and the vehicle - would it be enough to get inside?

A brief yet interminable silence. Then the guard spoke. "I don't recall hearing anything about the need for a security check."

"Er... well..." Carolyn could feel herself starting to panic internally.

Adelaide chose that moment to intervene. "I don't believe management wanted to alert too many people. Could spark unnecessary gossip that perhaps the security wasn't up to par."

The guard considered, then nodded. "All right. Go on in."

Adelaide nodded politely, and motioned for Carolyn to drive past the gate.

Once in the parking garage, Carolyn found a spot for utility vehicles. After parking, she glanced at Adelaide.

"Okay... what now?"

"The vaults are in the sub-basem*nt," Adelaide reasoned. "But in order to reach them, we'll need to first reach the main level and walk to the employee access doors on the other side of the building. We've got to go upstairs before we go back down."

"How do you know so much about the bank's layout?" Carolyn asked.

Adelaide grinned. "Sweetie, in my line of work, it helps to know a lot of these things."

Carolyn still winced slightly every time Adelaide referred to her illegal activities as a "line of work." But she said nothing.

"These technician uniforms got us past the gate," Adelaide continued. "But we'll need new disguises to enter the bank itself."

Carolyn sighed. "I figured you would say that..."

"Sorry, Red. It's the only way. Either stick to the plan or give up now."

Carolyn frowned. "I'm not going to give up. I don't approve of your methods, but... I won't deny they've worked so far."

"Perfect." Adelaide glanced in the sideview mirror. "Aha! There's an opportunity."

Carolyn glanced in the rearview. The elevator doors at the opposite side of the parking lot had slid open, and two young women now stepped out.

Each woman was dressed in a dark grey vest over a cream white blouse, with a black pencil skirt and brown penny loafers. One of the women had white skin and sandy blonde hair tied back into a slim ponytail. The other had tan skin and honey brown hair in wavy curls.

"Bank tellers," Adelaide said with a sly grin. "There's our way inside."

She caught Carolyn's eye. "Now this next part could get tricky, and I'm going to need your help. Think you can handle it?"

Carolyn nodded, and held up two chloroform pads. "For Atsuko, I can handle anything."

She handed one of the pads to Adelaide, who accepted it with a respectful nod and a gracious smile.

The two bank tellers had just finished a lengthy workday, and were more than eager to finally go home.

The blonde yawned and smiled at her coworker. "Thanks for offering me a ride... I really hate taking the bus at this hour."

"Think nothing of it," the brunette smiled back. "I always enjoy having some company in the car, especially after such a long and draining day."

As testament to how exhausted the bank tellers were, neither one was aware of the two other women creeping silently up behind them.

Carolyn took a deep breath as she positioned herself behind the blonde teller and began quietly walking behind her in lockstep. This was always her least favorite part...

Adelaide caught her eye once again, and gave her an encouraging nod. Don't panic. You can do this.

Carolyn nodded back, the unspoken message passing right into her mind. I can do this.

"Say, did you hear something?" the blonde teller asked as they reached the car.

The brunette raised an eyebrow, "Come to think of it..."

That was as far as she got. Adelaide and Carolyn leaped in unison, each wrapping an arm around a surprised bank teller's body, and pressing a chloroform-soaked pad over her mouth.


The questioning sound made by the blonde teller was muffled by Carolyn's hand and chloroform pad, yet it still betrayed a sudden jolting mix of emotions - shock, bewilderment, horror. Carolyn felt sorry for her, but knew she could not remove the pad.

Right beside her, Adelaide was smoothly and efficiently chloroforming the brunette woman. The teller, taken as much by surprise as her friend, could not work up the leverage to fight back.

Adelaide smiled at Carolyn. You're doing great. Keep it up.

Carolyn tried to stay focused. This wasn't pleasant, but it was easier than she had anticipated. She kept a firm grip, as the blonde's struggles continued to weaken.

Then Carolyn saw the reflection of her own face in the tinted car window - and the face of her victim. The blonde's nose and mouth may have been obscured by the pad, but her eyes were open and looking at Carolyn with a mix of anger and fear.

Immediately, Carolyn understood. The blonde had no idea who she was. In the bank teller's mind, Carolyn was some evil criminal who had attacked her without provocation, in a dark parking garage, in the middle of the night. In her eyes, Carolyn was a villain.

"I'm sorry," Carolyn quickly whispered into the woman's ear. "I know you're scared... I was too, when I got my clothes stolen. I promise I wouldn't do this if I had another option."

Carolyn did not know if the woman could understand her... or anything at all, by this point. The chloroform was doing its job quite well, and the blonde's eyes were now fluttering closed.

Finally, the bank teller sank into unconsciousness, her head drooping onto Carolyn's right shoulder.

"Nice going, Red!" Adelaide's voice cut through Carolyn's inner thoughts. "You were almost as fast as I was."

Adelaide's victim had lost consciousness only five seconds earlier. She lowered the brunette to the ground.

"It's not a race," Carolyn said crossly. "I understand if we need to chloroform civilians and steal their clothes, but please stop acting like this is some fun little game."

Adelaide put a hand on her shoulder. "You okay, Red?"

"I'm just tired of your attitude," Carolyn said angrily. "You're treating all this like a joke. Like you always do."

Adelaide removed her hand. She looked a bit hurt. "Excuse me?"

"I still remember when you chloroformed me and stole my bus driver uniform," Carolyn continued. "You were whispering taunts in my ear. I was so scared, I had no idea what was going on. But you were speaking in a sweet little voice, calling yourself 'Auntie Adelaide' and telling me to 'enjoy the smell.' Like you were playing a prank or something."

Adelaide scowled. "I wasn't..."

"Just be serious," Carolyn continued. "You hurt other women and steal their clothes, and you get paid for it. Why do you have to mock them as well?"

"Because I'm not a monster!" Adelaide angrily snapped.

Carolyn looked at her in surprise.

"I'm not a monster," Adelaide repeated. "Yes, I've mugged a lot of women and stripped them and so on and so forth. But I don't like to appear callous or cruel. So I joke about it. I try to stay upbeat. I don't want to be seen as a heartless crook." She looked visibly upset, for the first time Carolyn could remember.

"But joking about these women is itself a cruel thing to do," Carolyn pressed. "Not only do you steal their clothes, but you're stealing their dignity and self-esteem as well."

Adelaide looked down at the floor. "It's not personal... It's never personal..."

She looked up at Carolyn again. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For mugging you," Adelaide said. "For chloroforming you on that coach bus and wearing your clothes without permission. For tying and gagging you and stuffing you in a luggage compartment while I took your place." Her voice trembled slightly. "I know now that you're more than just some random unwilling uniform donor. You're a real person, with real emotions, with a wife who loves you."

She wiped her eyes. "I know I put you through hell. And you have no reason to forgive me. But I just want you to know... I'm sorry."

The two women stood in silence. Adelaide kept her eyes to the floor, seemingly ashamed to look at Carolyn again.

Finally, Carolyn approached and lightly touched her elbow.

"Adelaide," she said softly. "I forgive you."

Adelaide looked up in a mixture of surprise and relief. "You... do?"

"I do," Carolyn nodded. "And I was wrong about you too. I used to think you were cold and cruel... but I see now that you've got a heart inside."

Adelaide let out a brief chuckle. "Please stop... Someone's going to think we're in a Disney movie."

"Don't ruin the moment," Carolyn replied. "No jokes. Just accept the compliment."

Adelaide nodded. "You're right. And... thank you."

She looked down at the the two bank tellers, still lying unconscious on the ground. "So, um... do you still want to strip them? I feel a little awkward about getting back to business, after the talk we've just had."

"We'll strip them," Carolyn assured her. "We do need their uniforms, after all. But try to remember... these women are more than just a pair of uniforms. They've got lives of their own."

"Lives which we've just interrupted," Adelaide observed.

Carolyn nodded. "And we should try to keep them as comfortable as possible while they're out of uniform."

Adelaide glanced around, her eyes settling on a utility closet nearby. "In there... It's probably warmer than the cold air of the garage."

"Good idea." Carolyn picked up one of the bank tellers by her underarms and began dragging her towards the closet. Adelaide followed suit with the other one.

Following the intense conversation they'd just had, stripping the two bank tellers was almost a relief - for Adelaide, anyway. Carolyn's face remained passive as she divested the blonde teller of her clothing and shoes.

Beneath their outfits, the bank tellers had rather plain underwear. The blonde wore an ivory full-cup bra and beige hiphuggers, while the brunette was left in a pewter T-shirt bra and smoky grey boyshorts.

"I'll tie them up," Adelaide offered.

"We can tie them up together." Carolyn took two rolls of duct tape from the shelf and handed one to Adelaide. "Not too tight, okay?"

Adelaide nodded. "Not too tight."

The women went about restraining the two tellers on the floor of the closet, back to back. Carolyn did her best to ensure that the women would not experience unnecessary discomfort during their time in the closet.

"Only a few hours, girls," she spoke softly to the unconscious women. "And then you won't have to worry about us again."

She and Adelaide dressed in the uniforms and slipped their feet into the shoes. Adelaide found her uniform to be uncomfortably tight around the waist, but decided not to voice any complaints.

She looked at Carolyn. "Disguises seem good. Ready to roll?"

Carolyn nodded. "I am if you are."

The two women stepped out of the closet, leaving the two still-napping tellers behind.

Carolyn gave them a last sympathetic glance before shutting the door.

She wasn't proud of her actions... but with each new uniform, she was getting one step closer to feeling Atsuko's warm, loving embrace once again.


The duo reached the vault elevators with minimal hassle. Most of the bank staff was gone for the night, and even security seemed fairly lax.

Adelaide was surprised to see the elevators unguarded. Her intel had told her that there were usually two security guards flanking the elevator, ensuring that no one but authorized bank personnel could get inside. But there were no guards stationed in the area at all.

Adelaide silently viewed it as a stroke of luck. She guessed that the guards were probably occupied elsewhere.

And, of course, they were - though not in the way she thought. The real elevator guards were currently in a closet at the other end of the hallway, bound and gagged and sorely lacking in their state of dress.

Adelaide however had no way of knowing this - and neither did Carolyn, who followed her accomplice into the elevator, which began its descent into the bank's lower vault.

The faint "ding" of the elevator heralded their arrival at the vault level. The doors whispered open, and Adelaide and Carolyn stepped out onto the cold metal floor.

"This way," Adelaide motioned, beckoning her associate down the corridor.

"This place is huge," Carolyn observed, eyes darting to the doorways along the corridor. "How will we ever know which deposit box we're looking for?"

"Don't be too intimidated," Adelaide said in assurance without breaking her stride. "This place is all arranged alphabetically. We just need to find S for Steele."

The search did not take long. Soon they had found the room and, after a bit of searching, located the right safety deposit box.

"You've got the codes?" Carolyn asked.

Adelaide tapped her brain. "Stored 'em right in here." She began entering a long string of numbers into the keypad.

Carolyn knew that any mistakes in the numbers code would trigger an alarm and likely bring several armed security guards charging into the room. But she trusted Adelaide not to make a mistake. She was a bit surprised by how much her faith in this woman had grown this night.

Adelaide finished entering the numbers and was rewarded with the cheerful flicker of a small green light. The door to the deposit box clicked open.

Adelaide slid the drawer out into the open, and her eyes began sparkling. "Oh yeah... Come to mama."

Inside the deposit box was a wealth of jewels - diamonds, emeralds, rubies, and sapphires. They glimmered in the light, each reflecting exorbitant value.

"These could be worth millions," Adelaide observed, running her fingers through the treasure trove. "I've never seen this many lovely rocks in my life."

But Carolyn shook her head. "I know what you're thinking, and... we can't keep any of these. Those kidnappers probably know how much Valencia had stored in here. If anything's missing, they might not be so keen to follow through on their deal."

Adelaide nodded absent-mindedly, but her eyes kept glancing at the jewels. "Tell me you're not at least tempted..."

"I would give up all the diamonds in the world if it meant getting Atsuko back," Carolyn replied. "Now come on, let's gather everything up and go."

Adelaide acquiesced, and quickly began scooping up all the jewels into a burlap bag. Part of her still felt like keeping a few for herself... but a deal was a deal.

Once all the precious stones were gathered, she knotted the bag. "Okay... let's skedaddle."

Carolyn followed her as she headed for the vault room door.

At once, their path was blocked as a tall shadow appeared in the entrance.

"Well, hello."

The dark-skinned woman was tall and muscular, and dressed in the uniform of the bank's security staff. However, based on the small wrinkles and ruffles in the outfit, Adelaide quickly guessed that this woman was not the uniform's intended owner.

"Excuse us," she spoke in her most professional voice. "We need to go home." From the corner of her eye, Adelaide could see that Carolyn was growing visibly intimidated.

Harper remained in the doorway, arms folded, as Evelyn and Jenna stepped up behind her. "Afraid you're not going anywhere, girls. We know who you are."

Adelaide assumed a fighting position. "Red, get behind me. We're not getting caught by a bunch of fake bank guards."

"Smart girl," Evelyn said, as she and her friends stepped into the room. "We don't work for the bank. We work for Gina Caldwell. And whatever you've stolen is rightfully hers."

Before Adelaide could think of another reply, the three uniformed women all pulled out their guns.

"Now, Ms. Caldwell wants to speak with you two," Evelyn continued. "We can do this the easy way... or the violent way."

Adelaide glared at them. She was fast and athletic, but even she would have a hard time fighting three different gunwomen.

"P-please, you don't understand." Carolyn had finally found her voice. "We're not criminals. We needed the jewels because--"

"Save the explanations," Evelyn interrupted. "You'll have plenty of time to be interrogated later."

She nodded at Harper and Jenna. "Let's tie them up. Jenna, keep your weapon trained in case they try any funny business."

"You're making a mistake," Adelaide said angrily. "You..."

"She told you to clam up." Harper bent Adelaide's wrists behind her and began binding them tightly with white cable.

Carolyn could only look on helplessly as Jenna tied her up as well. "Please... I need to be free. My wife... She's... mmmmppphhhh..." Her please were cut off as Evelyn smoothed a strip of black duct tape over her mouth.

"Do you think we should interrogate them now?" Jenna asked. "The red-haired one sounds pretty sincere."

"Don't let their innocent words fool you," Evelyn replied. "Remember, we nearly died back at that airfield and these two women didn't care less. They're crooks, and should be treated as such."

Jenna nodded. "Good point."

Before long, Adelaide and Carolyn were both tightly bound and gagged. They glanced at each other uncertainly from their positions on the floor.

Evelyn stood over them proudly. "Ms. Caldwell will be pleased," she told her coworkers. "She might even give us a nice paycheck bonus."

Jenna nodded. "Sounds great."

"Just one problem," Evelyn noted with a bit of a frown. "We managed to get inside the bank without attracting outside attention. But we're not gonna be able to just walk out of here with two bound-and-gagged women slung over our shoulders. People will definitely have questions."

A faint "ding" from down the hall perked her ears up.

She and her friends peeked out of the vault room. The elevator doors at the other end of the hall had opened, and a cleaning woman stepped out, pushing a cart with a pair of trash cans perched upon it.

"Trash collection?" Jenna whispered. "At this hour?"

"Makes sense," Evelyn shrugged. "The bank probably prefers the trash be taken out after most people have gone home. Less issue of buildup for the following morning."

The cleaning woman was tall and slightly pudgy, with light skin and blonde hair that peeked out in curls beneath her red-and-white checkered kerchief. She wore a light blue smock over a white T-shirt and dark blue jeans, and black waterproof rubber boots. She turned the opposite corner, and the women could hear the wheels of the cart rolling down the hall.

A smile spread across Harper's lips. "I've got an idea."

Quietly, she exited the room and began walking down the hall, following the sounds of the cleaning cart.

"Here we go again," Jenna grumbled. "Harper gets a taste of stealing one uniform, and now she wants to steal another. So predictable."

"Not sure about predictable," Evelyn responded. "I'm just worried about time-consuming. Ms. Caldwell will get impatient if we delay."

"Mmmppphhh!" Carolyn was still trying to get the guards' attention.

Evelyn sighed. "Jenna, could you please keep them quiet? This job is stressful enough."

Jenna nodded. She approached the restrained Adelaide and Carolyn and knelt down beside them. "Look, no hard feelings... But you did break the law."

"Mmmppphhh! Mmmm-mmmpppphhh!" Carolyn frantically shook her head. Please, remove my gag and listen to me!

Jenna glanced at the floor. Her eye fell on Carolyn's pouch, which had fallen to the ground, spilling a few of the white clothe pads on the ground.

Jenna picked one up and sniffed it. She wrinkled her nose. "Chloroform."

Then she smiled sweetly at Carolyn. "Just to calm you down a bit, honey."

So saying, she pressed the chloroform pad against Carolyn's lower face. The redhead's already muffled cries grew even more muted as she was forced to breathe in the intoxicating fumes.

Carolyn felt her world going cloudy. She was losing her strength. She had failed.

Atsuko... I'm so... so sorry...

Moments later, she was unconscious.

Jenna turned to Adelaide. "Your turn."

Adelaide scowled and struggled, but had little means to fight as the chloroform did its work.

Harper returned from down the hall, pushing the trash cart along on a squeaky wheel. Lying flat on the cart beside the cans was the cleaning woman, sleeping off the effects of Harper's neck chop.

"You two get a head start," Harper told her friends. "I'll change into this gal's uniform and put our two friends in the trash cans. No one will bother a cleaning woman just taking out the trash."

"Good thinking," Evelyn said. "Jenna, come on. Let's get back upstairs."

"Okay." Jenna stopped and turned toward Harper. "But you have to promise that this is the last time you steal another woman's uniform."

"I absolutely will not promise that," Harper responded, an impish grin on her face.

Jenna shook her head in exasperation, then followed Evelyn out the door. "Stupid paradigm..."

Harper wasted no time carrying out the next phase. She stripped the cleaning woman down to her azure demi-cup bra and purple control briefs. Then she slipped into the woman's clothes, boots, and smock. Knotting the kerchief around her hair helped complete the disguise.

There were some clean white rags in the smock's pockets; these Harper used to bind and gag the real cleaning woman. She dragged the woman over to one of the large metal safes in the far corner of the room and placed her inside, leaving the door open enough to allow air to pass through.

"That should keep you 'safe' for a while, honey," she chuckled.

Then she paused. Was that a pun? She hated puns. And yet, something about stealing this woman's clothes had made her cheerful enough to crack an immature joke.

"Interesting," she mused. Somehow, each new disguise seemed to help improve her mood.

But there was time to consider her humorous side later. She returned to the matter at hand, placing the restrained and slumbering figures of Carolyn and Adelaide into the trash cans, covering them with plastic lids, and rolling the cart out the door.


Evelyn and Jenna had "borrowed" one of the security vans from the bank's parking lot. They idled at the rear of the building as Harper stepped out with the cart.

"Nice work," Evelyn smiled from the driver's seat. "Toss them in the back of the van and let's get moving."

Harper obliged, climbing into the rear of the van with her two prisoners and dropping them on the floor. She took a seat and pulled off the kerchief, shaking her dark hair from confinement.

"That was fun," she said cheerily. "We should do it more often."

Jenna rolled her eyes. "Right. Nothing more fun than erasing the advances of feminism."

"Stop squabbling, girls." Evelyn steered the van onto the road. "Right now the only thing that matters is getting these two lowlifes back where Ms. Caldwell can deal with them."

The van continued down the road, with Evelyn ignoring the occasional stop sign. In the rear of the van, Carolyn and Adelaide continued to sleep off the effects of the chloroform.

But for the two of them - and especially Carolyn - it was far from a restful slumber.

Volume 5A: Strange Bedfellows - Page 2 (2024)


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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.