Ellana's Cultural Studies on Humanity Chapter 7:-The Human Festivity of the Carnival ( Original Concept by Arc) (2024)

My time in Munich during the football match had left me with a feeling of euphoria. It had been too long since I took to the sporting arena, to indulge my love of sport and competition. I vowed to revisit human sport, which is featured elsewhere is this book. But my first priority was to catalogue human culture. Unfortunately, I had to leave my new found teammates behind as attached as I had become to them in a short space of time. The MiB, doggedly persistent were on my back but this didn't stop from going to my next destination: the human city of Rio de Janeiro and it's Carnival. As always when I entered the unknown, I had a feeling of trepidation but also excitement. As I would discover, the city and it's Carnival were full of colour, life, beauty. Equal to anything found in the Kingdom. First things first, I had to actually get to Rio and for that I would need a new identity...

Dr Ellana Xenoanthropological Society

Munich Airport Earth Date and Time Tuesday 6th February 2024 00:00am

Ellana stood in the departure terminal of Munich airport, wearing the face and uniform of Lotte Braun. I spent all of Engen's money on the cab ride here. And besides, I can't travel in style in this form... At this hour there weren't many humans milling around waiting for the Lufthansa flight to Rio de Janeiro, and only a few human females. There was one Ellana had her eye on, she was an attractive brunette with high cheek bones, slightly squared features her eyes covered strangely by sunglasses her jet black hair tied into a ponytail under her black head scarf. Gold looped earrings hung from her ears, a black leather handbag looped over her shoulders. She was dressed in a long black coat, over a beige sweater dress with high heels, her long legs covered by black translucent tights. As Ellana approached the group, the young woman got up from her seat walking over to the ladies bathroom. Ellana smiled as she followed the woman into the toilet. Luck favours the patient Zenobian . She thought chuckling.

25 year old Katrin Brunner let out a long sigh of relief as she emptied the contents of her bladder into the toilet bowl, her black tights and black lace strappy thong down around her ankles. She would have preferred an afternoon or morning flight to Rio, but at least she would be travelling in first class sipping on the free complimentary champagne. It was only what someone of her station, a heiress to one of the largest German car manufacturers, rightly deserved. Once she had finished with her water, Katrin wiped herself down with a strip of toilet paper pulling up her expensive panties and tights, flushing the toilet behind her. As soon as opened the cubicle door, she jumped as she was confronted by a red headed maid, a plebian with the name Lotte on her uniform shirt. "Ugh! You startled me, pleb! Wait a maid?! Here? Shouldn't you be off somewhere making a bed or something? And what the hell are you wearing? It looks like it's wearing you." She said looking at the maid, up and down with a sneer. The redheaded girl co*cked her head, smiling returning the glances. "I would sooner be wearing what you are wearing." Katrin reared back, trying to project an aura of confidence. "Y-you couldn't afford my s-mmph!" Katrin was unprepared as the red head pinned her to the back of the cubicle with a passionate kiss. Katrin tried to resist but felt a calmness flow over her, as the maid caressed her cheek, she let out a muffled moan of pleasure. Feeling the girl's tongue probe the inside of her mouth, Katrin to her surprise returned the kiss briefly before she let out a low rattle slumping unconscious onto the toilet bowl, legs spread. "Katrin Brunner, 25, heiress. Isn't going to Rio for the carnival. Instead she's going on vacation to meet a Jorgé, a rich coffee grower she met online." Ellana now Katrin Brunner, stripped off Lotte's clothing.

Even though I have been on Earth a month, I still don't get humans and their idioms. Clothes don't wear people, it's the opposite. Well it is until I take them from the women. Ellana thought as she removed Katrin's jewellery and accessories, putting them on before slipping off her high heels then copying her ponytail. After stripping off the long coat, Ellana held up Katrin's arms pulling her sweater dress over her head revealing her matching black lace strappy lingerie, her long legs covered by tights. Straddling her scantily clad body, Ellana reached around Katrin's back unhooking her bra slipping it from her chest exposing her well formed C-cup breasts with perky pale pink circular areolas. Putting on the stolen bra, Ellana gripped the hemline of the tights carefully working the garment from her shapely hips peeling them down her long legs. Ignoring Katrin's modesty, Ellana whipped off her lace thong admiring her small clean shaven cl*tor*s. Ellana got dressed in the rest of Katrin's clothing. As she pulled on the coat, Ellana bound the naked unconscious Katrin's wrists and ankles with Lotte's underwear gagging her with a torn strip of Lotte's polo shirt. With the woman secured, Ellana picked her up under her shoulders dragging her towards the attendants cupboard. After propping up the naked body behind a shelf laden with cleaning signs, Ellana tossed in the remains of Lotte's clothing before closing the door on the unconscious woman. Retrieving Katrin's handbag, Ellana applied some of her makeup. When she was finished, she looped the handbag over her shoulder sweeping from the bathroom.

Lufthansa Flight LA8379 Somewhere over Canada 06:00am

After a 6 hour rest on the plane, Ellana sipped from the free glass of complimentary champagne, courtesy of the airlane as she ate a filling breakfast of four slices of ham, two delightfully fluffy pastries called "croissants" which she later discovered was from Florida and 5 wafer crackers topped with some curious black eggs called caviar. When she asked the stewardess where they were from, the woman replied "Sourced from the finest fish, in the Caspian Sea." Ellana felt foolish for asking We do have something similar in Zenobian cuisine, although we call it something entirely different . As she leaned back washing down her fifth and final wafer with the champagne, which she found a little bit too gassy, Ellana was flicking through the planes video library of in flight entertainment when she came across something called "Swan Lake." Curious she selected it with her remote, as she popped a slice of ham into her mouth. Gazing at the TV screen, Ellana found herself riveted by the performance watching men and women twirl around in curious costumes. The music was also riveting, it stirred Ellana's soul. "The Bolshoy Ballet? Performing Swan Lake, from St Petersburg Russia. Hmm?" This "Ballet" is fascinating. It's a dance and is telling a sort of story but I cannot make out much else. Nevertheless, I will investigate this once my observations in Rio de Janeiro . Swallowing the last of her ham, Ellana continued to sip from her champagne enjoying the production of Swan Lake.

12:00pm Rio de Janeiro

Ellana had forgotten once again to pick up her luggage from the airport, and had no idea where her hotel was. If that was what they were even called. I thought the place where the Norway team stayed was a Travelodge So when she hailed a cab, Ellana had asked the driver to take her to downtown Rio. During the drive, Ellana came up with a novel solution she would replace a local girl. Using the local knowledge gleaned from memories would allow her to move about the city, and she would also have a base of operations, a bed so she could plan her next move. It took 30 minutes for the taxi to drop her off in Rio's downtown district. After paying the driver his fare, Ellana exited the cab taking a look around for a convenient alley. After 10 minutes of walking ahead Ellana found an alley, in-between two buildings it's only occupant a young woman getting off her red two wheeled contraption, unstrapping her helmet. She then turned picking up a large paper bag from the rear of her vehicle. Ellana grinned as she approached appraising the girl. She was a pretty little thing, with dark tanned skin, rounded features, shallow cheekbones with big grey eyes. Her long curly hair light brown. The girl was wearing a pink and white checkered shirt, knitted at the midriff, exposing a trim belly with a navel piercing, tight denim shorts with white ankle socks and pink sneakers. Over her shirt was a cropped denim jacket. Her ears decorated with ear studs. She will do nicely, her conveyance will also help me explore the city Ellana pulled her best distressed tourist face, waiting until the girl had unlocked her door before making her move.

Alessandra Carvalho opened the door to her downstairs apartment, her groceries in the crook of her left arm. "Excuse me, do you speak German?" The voice of a young woman, a tourist by the look of her caused her to turn her head. "No, but I speak English. Is there something I can help you with, senhorita?" She asked as the woman got closer. "Yes. I believe you can help me, your home and clothing would suffice." The brunette tourist said, caressing her cheek. "What...oh?" Alessandra tried to rear back but she felt a wave of calm over come her, as the woman took her groceries from her hand gently leading her inside her home. After closing the door, putting down her groceries Alessandra was pinned to her hallway wall by a kiss from the strange German woman. Having never been kissed before by either a boy or girl, Alessandra returned the kiss, letting out an aroused moan as the woman probed the inside of her mouth. So I like other women, I had an idea but... Was the girls final thought as she slid down the wall unconscious, with a low sexy rattle. "Alessandra Carvalho, 20, waitress. She's an aspiring samba dancer and has just been accepted into one such school. She will start after the carnival, she hasn't told her sister yet." Ellana, now a carbon copy of Alessandra scooped the unconscious girl into her arms carrying her to her bedroom.

Laying the unconscious girl on her bed, Ellana stripped off everything she had taken from Katrin Brunner before she got to work on Alessandra. She removed the young woman's piercings, inserting them in before unlacing her sneakers pulling them off along with her socks. After slipping on the footwear, Ellana sat next to Alessandra's prone form holding her in a seated position working her jacket off her shoulders one arm at a time. Letting the girls body flop down onto her bed, Ellana unknotted her checkered shirt opening it out to reveal small B-cup breasts enveloped by a solid blue plunge t-shirt bra with a front fastening. A different design, how convenient. Makes undressing her easier. Once she had stripped the girls shirt from her body, Ellana unclipped the bra from the front exposing her supple, buoyant breasts with light brown full puffy areolas. Fastening the stolen bra on, Ellana unbuttoned Alessandra's denim shorts peeling them off her slender hips down her long tanned dancers legs, along with her matching solid blue G-string thong that had protected her small genitalia crowned with a thin trimmed triangle of light brown pubic hair. Once Ellana had gotten dressed in Alessandra's clothes, she took the girl's athletic naked body by her ankles dragging her off her bed and into her closet. After leaning her up against the wall, Ellana tossed in Katrin's clothes before sliding the door shut. It isn't necessary to bind her, I will be her for a few days. By the time she wakes up, I will be long gone and she will barely remember a thing. She thought as she walked into the girl's kitchen.

Ellana had helped herself to something called Ice Cream from Alessandra's refrigeration unit, finding it very morish it was flavoured "vanilla" whatever that was. Sitting down in her front room, Ellana saw a book on the table entitled "The Wonder's of the Rio Carnival: A Guide." Putting down her ice cream, Ellana picked up the book flicking through it. Fascinating, the carnival lasts for a couple of weeks. There is the Street Carnival and the Samba Parade. I must see both and investigate if I'am going to give an accurate account. Hmm? The Samba dancers and Carnival Queen look like possible candidates for replacement. I will visit the street carnival first, this form will suffice then the Samba Parade at the Sambadrome. Putting down the guide, and finishing the tub of ice cream, Ellana decided she would go out explore the city particularly the locations of the Carnival. Getting up from the sofa, Ellana exited the girl's apartment locking the door behind her before hopping on her moped. Strange name for a conveyance, but that's what its called according to her memories. Strapping on the helmet, Ellana gunned the engine letting Alessandra's memories be her guide.

3 hours later

During her brief drive around Rio de Janeiro, Ellana was impressed by the sheer scale of the city. Granted, it was nowhere as grand or old as Rome was but it had a charm all it's own. There was a vibrancy that ran through the city, as everyone was preparing for the carnival three days from now. Despite this, there was poverty here but the people seemed no less cheerful. These three days would give Ellana enough time to explore the city, properly without attracting attention. There were a number a sights she had picked out for further investigation, the most stunning was a massive statue in the cities harbour of a robed male figure. Curious, I thought humans worshipped animals and female figures. This needs further investigation. She thought as she pulled into the alley where Alessandra lived. To her surprise there was a young woman standing in front of her, with long dark hair dressed in a pink buttoned dress who flashed her a wave, a large satchel looped over her shoulder. "Hi Alessa. Did you just come home from work? I rang you but you didn't answer." Ellana searched Alessandra's memories as she unbuckled her helmet. "Carmen? Hello, sister. Yes I just got off shift." Carmen flashed her a wide smile. "That's good, I wanted to catch you before I went to work. I have something to tell you. You're not going to like it." A dark shadow came over her eyes. "I'am really sorry but I won't be going with you to the start of the carnival with you, come Friday." Ellana pulled a disappointed face, which fooled Carmen completely as she allowed her to continue. "They have me pulling twelve hour shifts at the hospital all this week and well into the next. So, I'am going to be missing the carnival. Damn it, it's our tradition and for the first time I'm missing it." Ellana nodded putting a familial arm around her shoulder. "Don't worry, Carmen. I will take some photos for you. You won't miss a thing." She lied as Carmen perked up a little. "Thanks little sis. Well I better get off to work, before they send a search party to look for me. See you later, have a great time!" She bade Carmen farewell, as she walked to her car. "And don't forget those pictures!" She called as she drove away. Ellana waved at her before entering Alessandra's apartment. That was easier then I thought, she was completely fooled. Now I must call Alessandra's work and call in sick. I don't want them to call out a search party, while I explore the city.

Friday February 9th 2024 The Opening Night of the Carnival 19:00pm

Over the course of three days, Ellana had explored much of the surrounding area dining on spicy cuisine and mingling with the population. She had even found out the name of the gigantic statue in the harbour from some helpful, if confused locals. They called it Christ the Redeemer, although who or what he was redeeming was lost on Ellana but the statue of this particular diety was no less impressive. That wasn't the only thing she had discovered. Ellana had to change clothes through the three days, pilfering Alessandra's wardrobe. Ellana had to admit she has good tastes. With changing her clothes, came bathing and while she was used to baths, Ellana had come to love Alessandra's shower which always left her refreshed and smelling of something called lavender. For her excursion tonight Ellana had picked out a pretty short white dress, underwhich she wore matching white lace bra and tanga thong. She had even raided Alessandra's jewellery box, selecting dangling silver earrings with matching pendant. "You certainly have a fine taste in clothes, Alessandra." Ellana glanced to the naked unconscious Alessandra still slumped in her closet, in the mirror. "Thank you for everything, you can have your home back soon. Although you have ran out of ice cream." Ellana straightened her new dress before she closed the closet door. Taking the girl's moped keys, Ellana swept from Alessandra's home. Jumping on the girls moped, Ellana switched on the engine heading for the nearest street carnival.

Street Carnival Rio Riachuelo 30 mins later

Ellana wandered through the busy street packed with humans dancing, celebrating wearing outlandish costumes full of colour and feathers, curiously enough. There were even fire breathers in the crowd impressing cheering humans as they showed off their skills, Ellana had stopped herself to watch clapping with delight. It was here she spotted a familiar face, it was the referee Patricia Jimenez from the football match near!y a week ago. She was with a middle aged human male and a young boy sat on her shoulders, her family. Smiling at the happy scene, recalling the memory of taking the woman's form, Ellana left the crowd. As she walked further down the street, there were a troupe of females doing an energetic dance that according to Alessandra's memories was called the Samba. Upon seeing her, the women had invited her to join in. Always willing to try new things, Ellana had jumped at the chance and for 10 minutes she had danced through the evening. The human females congratulating her on her technique, they had even awarded her with a flowered garland that they had looped over her head. Bading them farewell Ellana munched on a tortilla wrap as she made her way towards the bright lights of the Sambadrome, passing humans dressed in remarkable suits that depicted animals and strange frightening figures with large red noses and painted faces. Ellana couldn't help but hum to the music This is amazing, there is energy and life here. But I need to be at the grand opening at 20:30, I mustn't tarry long. Finishing her beef tortilla, Ellana made her way to the Sambadrome entrance.

Sambadrome Entrance 19:50pm

" I'am sorry, senorhita. But you need a ticket to get in, this isn't the street carnival where it's walk ins." Said the pretty tanned ticket seller in the booth outside the Sambadrome entrance. "What?! Not more tickets! But I have come a long way to just see the Sambadrome Parade." Ellana protested as the ticket collector flashed her a sympathetic glance. "I'am sorry, senorhita. That may be the case but the tickets were on sale before Christmas, two months ago. Now please, you are restricting other customers from entering." Letting out a frustrated sigh, Ellana turned walking away from the queue line. Humans and their tickets! Damn it all. Looks like I will need to get creative. Ellana had noticed a pretty brunette human female, a tourist not a local if her white skin was anything to go by. The girl was looking at her suggestively by the entrance to an alleyway puffing on an atomiser, she began to walk towards the girl appraising her. She was a pretty little thing with diamond shaped features, sculptured cheekbones and pleasing big blue eyes. Her medium length brown hair tucked behind her ears. She wore a blue buttoned summer dress, that hugged her petite frame, emphasising her small A-cups with strappy black heels. Adorned with a heart shaped necklace necklace, with matching hair studs and bangles on both wrists. A black leather handbag looped over her shoulder.Her form is pleasing, now to see if she as a ticket With a flirtatious smile Ellana approached her.

"I had been hoping you would come on over, sweetie. You local girls are so gorgeous, it's why I came to the carnival to experience a little Brazilian." Bethany said as she regarded the cute local girl, who had tried unsuccessfully to get into the Sambadrome, her white dress leaving little to the imagination The girl had flashed her a suggestive smile. "My name's Alessandra. Do you have a ticket for the Sambadrome?" Bethany caressed Alessandra's arm. "Yes, I do but only one. And it cost me half a month's wages when I ordered it online. I would like to take you with me, beautiful. My name is Bethany by the way." Alessandra leant in whispering into Bethany's ear. " If you want to experience some Brazilian? You can have some right now if you wish." As she caressed Bethany's forearm, the young American could feel a wave of calm flood over her she wanted this girl, badly. "Yes, beautiful." She said in a strange monotone as Alessandra led her deeper into the alley. As soon as they reached a dumpster, Bethany was pinned to the wall by Alessandra's passionate kiss. Bethany let out a moan of desire as she hungrily returned the kiss. Yes! This is just what I need after Janet... Was her last thought as she let out a low aroused moan, sliding down unconscious by the wall next to the dumpster, her atomiser dropping to the ground. "Bethany Kaminski, 23, American Tourist and NOPD officer. She's in Rio not just for the carnival but also to get over a bad break up. Her girlfriend Janet having dumped her because of her long hours. Well it looks like you got more than you bargaining for." Ellana smiled with Bethany Kaminski's smile, stripping off Alessandra's clothing.

Ellana knelt by the sleeping form of Bethany Kaminski, removed her jewellery and shoes putting them on herself before unbuttoning her dress. Opening the dress, revealed a solid strapless white bra with a bow in between the cups and a matching G-string thong a bow above the gusset. Once she had slipped off Bethany's dress, Ellana reached around Bethany's slim body unhooking her bra from her chest exposing her small rounded A-cup breasts with perky dark pink areolas. Sparing no thought for Bethany's modesty, Ellana whipped off her G-string panties getting a glimpse of her small cl*tor*s decorated with a thin trimmed strip of dark brown pubic hair. Admiring the Bethany's tight naked form, Ellana quickly got dressed in her undergarments and dress. After looping Bethany's handbag over her shoulder, Ellana bound the naked American with Alessandra's underwear before gagging her with a torn strip from the white dress. With the tourist secured, Ellana threw her over her shoulder tipping her into the nearby dumpster taking a good long look at her pert ass first, before tossing the remains of Alessandra's dress, the garland wreath along with Bethany's atomiser after her. " Rubbing her hands together, Ellana left the alley.

The Sambadrome 20:00pm

Bethany's ticket and form got Ellana into the Sambadrome, but she hadn't come all this way to merely watch the spectacle. Not when she could be centre stage, so her next target was to replace one of the extravagantly dressed Samba dancers she had seen in the guide book and on the advertisem*nts. From there, if she was extremely lucky perhaps the Carnival Queen herself. Ellana loved nothing more than to be at the centre of everything. Walking a little further down the public promenade, Ellana came to a door marked Performers and Staff Only in Portuguese a language she could comprehend thanks to Patricia. Opening the door, Ellana walked through beginning her search for a suitable dancer.

It didn't take long for Ellana to find a suitable candidate, as she came across an outdoor backstage area. The woman had her back to Ellana speaking on her phone leaning against a crate. Ellana appraised her, the woman had lightly tanned skin and was wearing an outfit that showcased her attractive curved figure: A skimpy green feathered dress with what looked like glitter on her body a matching feathered headdress sat on her head, her long black hair flowing across her shoulders blades. Green sandals on her feet, and dangling silver earrings. A silk clutch bag laid on the crate. The woman ended her call with a "Ciao, Pedro. Love you too." Before turning, she jumped when she saw Ellana her pretty heart shaped face, decorated with dark makeup flashed her a look of befuddlement, her skimpy outfit barely containing her ample C-cups. "You know you aren't allowed back here. Are you lost, sweetie?" She asked flashing her big brown eyes. Ellana smiled approaching her, sizing her up. "No, I think I have found what I'am looking for." Ellana quickly caressed the dancers cheek, eliciting a low aroused growl of pleasure before kissing her hard on her ruby lips. Ellana probed the inside of the girl's mouth, absorbing her DNA slowly becoming her as the dancer briefly returned the kiss letting out a small muffled rattle as she collapsing onto her side unconscious. " Clara Almeida, 24. Samba dancer. Interesting, the call was from her boyfriend Pedro. He was wishing her good luck and told her this was the year she would win. Sorry, Clara it's nothing personal." Ellana said removing Bethany's damaged dress and undergarments from her new voluptuous form.

Ellana quickly stripped the unconscious Clara out of her costume, first removing the sandals, jewellery putting them on followed then by the headdress. After removing the feathered band from around the dancers waist, Ellana took the shoulder straps of her dress peeling the skimpy garment from her tight voluptuous body revealing that she was completely naked underneath. Not surprising, I wouldn't wear underwear with this dress myself. Ellana admired the large well endowed D-cup breasts of Clara, with full dark brown areolas along with full brown clean shaven cl*tor*s as she pulled on the dancers costume. After fixing on the feathered accessories, Ellana took some of the glitter from the girls naked body sprinkling some on before she tore Bethany's dress into strips, binding her wrists and ankles then gagging her. Dragging her naked body to a nearby empty crate, Ellana tipped Clara into it then tossed the remains of Bethany's clothes, jewellery and the dancers phone on top of her. Sealing the crate shut, Ellana scooped up the clutch bag applying the girls make up using her hand mirror. Satisfied she looked the part, Ellana replaced the make up in the bag then opened the door to the backstage areas.

Sambadrome Backstage 20:15pm

As Ellana walked through the backstage areas coming up to some changing rooms, she pondered her next move. Now this form and costume should get me into the parade no problem. I can make detailed observations and enjoy myself but what if I could find the Queen, become her? That would allow me privileged access. Come on Ellana, where would you even find the Queen? You're nowhere near her dressing room. Suddenly she stopped by a door, with a star plastered on the front with the legend Carnival Queen . The door opened revealing a young strawberry blonde woman with high cheekbones and big blue eyes accentuated with light make up, her hair knotted elegantly with a gold crown perched on top. A sash with Carnival Queen over her glittering gold strapless dress that hugged her trim figure, matching strappy heels. She adorned with gold jewellery, dangling earrings and sapphire pendant that hung between her breasts. Ellana grinned as she bowed in the traditional Zenobian court style. "Your majesty. That's a wonderful dress." She said before she advanced on the bemused Queen, planting a kiss on her lips not giving the woman a chance to speak closing the door behind them. She probed the inside of the Queen's mouth feeling her form change into that of the Queen, the woman returning the kiss in spite of herself letting out an aroused moan as she slumped unconscious in Ellana's arms. "Gabriela Barbosa, 27, The Carnival Queen. "Interesting, she is having an affair with a married politician and they are very much in love." Ellana sat the unconscious Gabriela onto her chair, as stripped out of her samba costume.

Ellana removed the woman's accessories including her jewellery, shoes and crown putting them on before unclipping the sash then adopting her hairstyle. Unzipping the dress from the side, Ellana peeled it from her lush slim figure exposing her well rounded bare C-cup breasts with pink puffy circular areolas. Only a red lace scanty thong covered her modesty, which Ellana duly relieved her of revealing a clean shaven small womanhood. Ellana pulled up the stolen thong before getting dressed in Gabriela's exquisite gown, admiring the Queen's toned attractive naked form sat in her chair. After fixing on the sash, Ellana bound Gabriela's wrists and ankles with feathered garlands before gagging her with a stocking. With the former Queen secured, Ellana picked her up under her shoulder dragging her naked body to the wardrobe seating her inside and throwing Clara's costume over her. Closing the wardrobe door, Ellana sat at Gabriela's Vanity wiping off Clara's make up, then applying the Queen's makeup. Smacking her red lips together, Ellana heard a knock at door she opened it to reveal a young brunette female wearing a blue cerulean silk dress, her sash marking her as a carnival princess. She gave a respectful curtsey. " Your highness, Queen Gabriela. The opening ceremony is about to begin. " Ellana returned her curtsey giving her a royal wave. "Lead the way, Princess. She said as she closed the dressing room door, falling in step next to the Princess.

The opening Ceremony of the Samba Parade 20:30pm

Ellana was lead out onto a small balcony that had a grand view of the Sambadrome, where she was greeted by a lavishly dressed human male with a glittering gold suit a crown perched on his head. Having done her research the previous evening, Ellana knew this was none other than King Momo. "My dear Queen Gabriela, shall we commence the festivities!" He beamed as the other carnival princesses curtseyed smiling, taking Ellana's hand. "It would be a pleasure, your Royal Highness!" Grinning he lead Ellana to the edge of the balcony, where thousands of humans cheered in unison at the sight of the royal couple. Ellana wasn't fazed in the slightest. She was no stranger to public appearances, it was part of her royal duties as heir to the throne to attend public events, attend noble galas and set a good impression amongst the common people. Ellana was intensely popular back home and was an expert in wooing the crowd. "My Queen, would you like to say a few words!" Ellana using a combination of Gabriela's memories and her own improvisation turned to the throng. "My loyal subjects! We have gathered to celebrate love and life tonight! I hereby declare this ceremony open! Let's get this show on the road!" She held out her fist, as the crowd cheered sending a swell of pride through her chest. King Momo cheered with them, clapping his hands. "You, my lady are a natural they love you!"

For the next thirty minutes, Ellana watched the opened ceremony as thirty beautiful human females in skimpy dressed danced down the promenade, she clapped along enjoying herself immensely. A small crowd of well wishers had gathered around the balcony throwing garland wreath at her. King Momo looked down the promenade, a look of confusion on his face. "Where is the First Parade? They should have come out by now." As if on cue, a female staff member walked up to the royal couple. "Your royal Highnesses? We have a problem. One of the dancers from the Cortanardo School as gone missing, and we cannot begin the parade without her. We are searching for her but we haven't found her." Internally Ellana facepalmed Oh Ellana! I knew I should have stuck with the dancer. But no I had to get greedy, and now I have sabotaged the parade, brilliant! As King Momo shook his head in disappointment, Ellana turned to look at the silent crowd, her eyes widened as she saw two women in black moving in the crowd. Somehow, I don't think the MiB are here for the carnival. They probably already know that I'am the Queen of the Carnival, after all it's my signature after all. But would they expect me to be a princess? She glanced at the pretty brunette princess from earlier, an idea coming to her. "Well my Queen, ladies of the court." King Momo turned to them. "We should retire to our dressing rooms, and hope they find this missing dancer." As Momo led the group from the balcony, Ellana kept her eye on the brunette princess in the blue dress as she followed her discreetly to her dressing room.

Sambadrome Backstage 21:05pm

Carnival Princess Efigênia de Costa, sat on her chair in her dressing room as she texted her boyfriend on what a marvellous night she had well up until the news of the disappearance of one of the Samba dancers, halting the parade. Sending the message, she glanced at her reflection. Efigênia was an attractive girl, who many considered should have Queen and not that lucky bitch Gabriela. Suspiciously lucky if you ask me. She had rounded features, with shallow cheekbones and sparkling hazel eyes. Her long dark brown hair knotted in an elegant bun. She was dressed this evening in a strapped silk cerulean blue dress, adorned with silvery jewellery, tiara along with her sash and strapped black heels. A knock at her door snapped her thoughts back to the present, Efigênia rose from her chair opening it. "Your majesty? It's an honour to receive you." She curtseyed disguising her sarcasm, as the Queen stood in her doorway. "Of course, princess. May I have a moment of your time? I wish to discuss something with you." Eyes widening in surprise, Efigênia stood aside to let her in. "Of course, your highness. Do come in?" Does she know, that I know about her affair? Impossible... Closing the door behind them, Efigênia turned to Gabriela. "I just want to say, your majesty. Up until news of the dancers disappearance, it was a fantastic night. You were stunning as ever." She said with a hint of sycophancy. The Queen smiled gently walking towards her. "That it was, I had a wonderful evening and learned so much. But I really need your dress." Efigênia flashed a her look of confusion. "What your majesty...oh?" Efigênia let out a low aroused moan, as Gabriela caressed her cheek before pinning her to her dressing room door with a passionate kiss. The princess returned the kiss despite herself, Gabriela probing the inside of Efigênia's mouth. So she's into girls too? I could have blackmailed her for that instead.. Efigênia thought as she let out a muffled rattle, sliding down her dressing room door unconscious. "Efigênia de Costa, 22, Carnival Princess. She knows about Gabriela's affair with the politician, suspecting he fixed the ballot for her. She wants to blackmail them both, but is unsure whether to follow through." Ellana said stripping off the Queen's dress, wearing Efigênia's face, as her phone vibrated with a returned message from her boyfriend.

After seating the unconscious Efigênia in her chair, Ellana removed the girls shoes, jewellery and tiara putting them on herself before unclipping the sash and loosening her hair copying the style. Placing her hands on the straps of Efigênia's dress, Ellana peeled the dress down her athletic body exposing her small but buoyant B-cup breasts with pale pink rose petal areolas and white lace g-string thong protecting her modesty. Ellana whipped these off revealing a small cl*tor*s crowned with a thin trimmed dark brown strip. Standing over the naked Efigênia, Ellana quickly got dressed in her clothing setting the sash over her dress then reluctantly tore Gabriela's gold dress into strips binding the girls wrists and ankles, gagging her. With Efigênia secured, Ellana dragged her over to her wardrobe stashing her inside before tossing the remains of the Queen's dress along with her accessories after her. Sliding the door closed on Efigênia, Ellana straightened her dress then swept from the dressing room.

Her change of dress and face allowed Ellana to walk through the Sambadrome towards the entrance, she smiled as she passed the clueless L & M who after checking the crowd actually went back into the Sambadrome. Seriously? They really are incompetent. How on earth they ever caught me before is beyond me? I have certainly learned so much. Ellana, ignored the stares from passersby who were in awe at the sudden appearance of one of the Carnival Princesses made her way out of the Sambadrome back into the street carnival on the Rio Riachuelo, her course set. I need to get out of Rio, get to the airport. First I need a change of clothes and face, this dress way too inconspicuous for the streets and I need some cash for a cab ride. She was certain that she would get both in the carnival.

Street Carnival 21:20pm

Ellana stalked the back alleys of the Rio Riachuelo, looking for a suitable candidate to drag into the shadows. There were many young human females in the crowds but most where too close to the road, or with their partners which would it difficult to drag them off to acquire their clothing and appearance. After five minutes of searching, she came to a crowd of people at the mouth of an alley cheering the noisy carnival. Trailing the crowd right at the back, was a young redheaded woman, her attention on the procession. Ellana ducked behind the wall appraising her, the girl had a tight slim figure wearing a low cut red tank top, white belted skinny jeans that emphasised her pert plum shaped buttocks, and black leather zipped booties. She also had shoulder length auburn hair cut into a bob. She will do nicely, time for a change... Ellana stripped out of Efigênia's dress and accessories, loosening her hair before she crept up silently behind the unsuspecting girl, completely naked.

Daniela Oliveira cheered as a parade of dancers saunted past, she lent up on her tiptoes to get a better view. She knew she had to meet Maria in 20 minutes so they could themselves perform, but she couldn't resist getting a look at the beautiful dancers. It's a good job, Maria isn't here. She would be so jealous that I'am ogling the dancers She was a looker with diamond shaped features, gentle cheekbones and big grey eyes. Her small button decorated with a nasal stud with a matching navel piercing. As she grinned widely, too busy checking out the dancers Daniela was unprepared as a slender hand clamped over her mouth, muffling her cry of surprise. She then felt a wave of calm arousal come over her, as her struggles ceased. Daniela had the sensation of being dragged away from the safety and lights of the carnival, deeper into the alley. Her mysterious attacker pulled her into a side alley, turned her head to the right hand side and planted a passionate kiss on her lips from behind. Daniela felt a woman's soft lips, her tongue probing her mouth as she returned the kiss her hand ruffling the woman's hair, letting out a soft moan of pleasure. She lent into her attacker, letting out a low sexy rattle as slumped unconscious into her attackers arms. " Daniela Oliveira, 21, Barmaid. Was going to meet her girlfriend, after she got off from work so they could take part in the music performances. They duet together." Ellana spoke with Daniela's voice panting before she pulled off the girl's tank top, exposing her rose patterned low cut white bra.

Ellana propped up the half naked Daniela slumped against the dumpster, removing her piercings putting them in before unzipping her booties. Reaching around her back, Ellana unhooked Daniela's bra slipping the garment off exposing her well rounded C-cup breasts with full pink puffy areolas smattered with freckles. After putting on the bra, Ellana unbelted Daniela's jeans working them off her hips peeling them down her long tanned legs along with her matching rose patterned bikini hipster shorts, revealing a full pink womanhood crowned with a triangle of trimmed auburn hair. Ellana quickly got dressed in her stolen clothes, standing over the attractive naked form of Daniela admiring her tanned body. Looping the girl's handbag over her shoulder, Ellana tore up Efigênia's dress binding the wrists and ankles of Daniela, gagging her with her strip. She then picked up the bound naked girl, tipping her body into the dumpster getting a good view of her firm buttocks before tossing the remains of Efigênia's dress in with her. Rubbing her hands together, Ellana exited the alley making her way through the bustling carnival towards a waiting on duty taxi. "The airport please." She told the driver as she got in, slamming the door behind her. After buckling up, Ellana gave the carnival one last wistful look grinned widely as the cab drove away.

Tom Jobin International Airport 21:50pm

Ellana, wearing the face of Daniela Oliveira entered the departures terminal. She didn't know where to go next but something at the back of her mind, said Ballet. I will go to the women's restroom and plan my next move. If I'am lucky the solution will present itself. She entered the womens bathroom and emptied her bladder. When she was finished Ellana washed her hands in the sink, the sound of the bathroom door opening caused her to look up. It was a young human female dressed in a red flight attendants uniform; a matching jacket with wings on her left breast a nameplate that read "Ivana" on her right, with gold filigreed cuffs. Matching knee high skirt with black high heels, under her jacket was a high collared white blouse. A red forage cap with wings perched on her blonde braided pigtails, white gloves and scarf tied around her neck completed her look. Ellana turned to appraise her, she was an attractive girl with slightly squared features, high cheekbones and almond shaped blue eyes. You will do nicely.. Ivana flashed her a smile but before she could get a chance to speak, Ellana seized her by the shoulders planting a passionate kiss on her pink lips. The stewardess let out a muffled cry of surprise as Ellana sampled her DNA feeling herself change into the stewardesses form, dragging her into the empty cubicle. Ivana let out a muffled cry of arousal, briefly returned the kiss before slumping unconscious with a rattle in Ellana's grip. Setting her on the toilet bowl, Ellana stripped off Daniela's clothes before putting on Ivana's hat. "Ivana Kuznetsova, 25, Aeroflot Stewardess. She managed to get leave to visit her home St Petersburg to have a secret night with her husband. He's a Russian soldier on leave from the Ukraine. Wait, St Petersburg? That's where the ballet is? Well how fortuitous."

Ellana removed Ivana's shoes, scarf and jewellery putting them on before adopting her hairstyle. Unfastening her uniform jacket, Ellana slipped it from her shoulders then unbuttoned her blouse revealing a hint of a cream lace one piece and B-cup breasts. Unzipping the skirt from the side, Ellana pulled down her skirt past her shapely hips then down her long shiny legs. After relieving Ivana of her blouse, one arm at a time, Ellana gripping the one piece lingerie at the straps, peeled the garment down her slim athletic body, working it past her small but lush B-cup breasts with dark pink perky areolas and off her hips revealing her small cl*tor*s decorated with a thin trimmed strip of blonde pubic hair. Admiring the Russians naked form, Ellana stepped into the sexy underwear before dressing in the rest of her uniform. After pulling on the white gloves, she tore up Daniela's tank top binding the naked stewardess before gagging her with Daniela's panties. Ellana picked up the naked bound stewardess under her shoulders, dragging her over to the attendants cupboard. Setting the body against the far wall, Ellana tossed in Daniela's clothing before closing the door behind her. Walking over to the girl's hand luggage, took it in her hands and swept from the ladies toilet dragging it behind her.

Ellana grinned as she entered the Aeroflot plane, stowing her luggage. She had enjoyed her time in Rio de Janeiro but it was time to go to this St Petersburg and experience this Ballet for herself. If what she saw on the inflight movie was anything to go by, Ellana knew she was in for a treat.

Last edited by Stormtrooper1990 on Wed Feb 14, 2024 12:53 am, edited 6 times in total.

Ellana's Cultural Studies on Humanity Chapter 7:-The Human Festivity of the Carnival ( Original Concept by Arc) (2024)


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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

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Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.