Ellana's Cultural Studies on Humanity Chapter 23:- On the Institution of Marriage (2024)

A month had passed since my adventures at the Paris Olympics and my capture by my rivals L & M. Because of my adventures and replacing so many females at the games the MiB had grown tied. They had sentenced me to incarceration to a more secure super max prison in upstate New York, which would mean the end of my mission. This I couldn't allow. So after a month of planning my erstwhile bodyguard and I came up with a plan to escape during my transfer from the MiBs Central Park holding facility. It was during my escape that I would find inspiration for my next field of investigation and it was thanks to my chatty guards once again. Throughout my travels I have encountered many females, married to either men or other women. This has fascinated me so when I had the chance to investigate, I jumped at it. And as I was about to discover, I wouldn't be disappointed...

Dr Ellana Xenoanthropological Society

Monday 31st August 2024 Corridor between MiB Holding and Hangar Bay 08:10am

As Ellana was shepherded down the stark white corridor by her two MiB guards, dressed once more in her unflattering orange tracksuit her limbs weighed down by her chains she smiled as they neared the crossroad where Kremm had indicated would make for a great ambush point. She regarded her two captors, one a young blonde human male who like all his gender was boring and unappealing. His unimaginative initial was A. The other was was attractive redheaded female with rounded features, gentle cheekbones and pleasing turquoise eyes framed by shoulder length auburn hair under her black patrol cap, logo at the centre, her initial was W They were both dressed in a uniform that had become all too familiar to Ellana; black tactical jumpsuits, with the MiBs logo printed on the left shoulder in white, belted at the waist with stun baton clipped on, laced black combat boots and white undershirts. As they neared the intersection guard A looked over his shoulder. "So W? I hear you're getting hitched in a week's time? To what's his name? Richard, Roger?" Guard W smiled as she replied. "You mean Robert? Yeah a week on Monday. He's a fun guy. Works as a train driver on the subway. I'am so looking forward to the day." A stopped as they reached a broom cupboard. " Has Human Resources given the okay? I know they can get picky on us dating outside the agency." W sighed. "Yes. Just as long as I get my cover story straight and don't reveal company secrets, they're good. I was just thinking what the hell do I tell him?" Ellana cleared her throat, the two guards flashing her irritated looks. "Something to say, changeling?" A said his hand resting on his stun baton . She flashed them both smiles. "I just wanted to ask you about human marriage customs. Are they anything like Zenobians?" W rolled her eyes as A took out his baton. "That's none of your business, prisoner!" He brandished it in front of her eyes menacingly. "You won't get to find out anyway. Not where you're going." Both guards started to guffaw as Ellana looked over his shoulder, grinning. "Well it looks like I will just have to find out for myself." W shook her head. "And how you propose to do that, eh?" It was that moment that Kremm appeared right behind A's shoulder.

W couldn't react fast enough as Kremm placed his hand around A's throat and with the merest touch pinched, sending the guard collapsing into a heap on the floor unconscious, his laughter curtailed by a short yelp. The female froze in terror giving Ellana valuable seconds to loop her chains around the woman's slender neck, tugging at the vulnerable points at her neck. This sent W on her knees choking for air as Ellana pulled tighter on the chains, making sure to construct the nerve clusters at the base of her neck. The young guard tried to pull the chains loose be it was to no avail, she slumped unconscious on her knees letting out a slow rattle as she struggles seized, arms falling limply by her sides. Letting the girl fall hitting the floor with a dull thud, Ellana caught the keys Kremm tossed her from A's belt unlocking her restrains. "Excellent work as always old friend." Kremm smiled as he hauled A onto his shoulder. "They were no match for our cunning highness. I bring news from my scouting run on the hangar and Its disturbing to say the least." His face turned grave as Ellana scooped up W from the floor. "Come on. Let's get into the cupboard. You can fill me in has I assume this humans form. And don't forget the chains Kremm, we will need them." Flinging the chains over his shoulder Kremm followed Ellana into the cupboard.

"The MiB are going to impound the Zephyr by flying it to a R&D facility on the continent of Europe. And we haven't much time they are going to do it within the hour, your Highness." Kremm said looking up as he bound guard A with duct tape. "What!? How dare they?! I'am not going to let those bastards get their grubby little hands on my shuttle! The one father had specifically commissioned for my mission. The one that only I can fly!" Ellana was furious as she stripped off her prison clothes, before she knelt by the unconscious guard W. "Besides, it has the OSCAR the Olympic medals and my simulator collection. Come Kremm help me strip this human as I assume her form. We haven't time to lose!" Kremm nodded as he unlaced W's boots, pulling them off her feet along with her black socks, while Ellana kissed her hard on her lips, taking off her hat then unbuckling her belt. Guard W, 23, real name Wendy Carlson. MiB prison guard. Her husband to be has no idea that she works for the MiB, she just tells him she works for the MTA. She hates lying to him and is thinking of quitting the MiB. Well I would if I were you. Ellana grinned with her new face as she unzipped Guard W's jumpsuit peeling it from her slim attractive form, before she held up the woman's arms pulling her white undershirt revealing her buoyant freckled c-cup breasts with puffy full pink circular areolas. Kremm whipped off the guards black scanty panties, exposing a small cl*tor*s crowned with a trimmed strip of auburn pubic hair and pert peach shaped buttocks. Ellana quickly got dressed in W's uniform zipping up the jumpsuit as Kremm busied himself with binding and gagging the attractive naked guard. After setting on the cap she turned to Kremm who handed her Guard A's datapad.

"So you be my prisoner, Kremm. If anyone asks it's a prisoner transfer. Once we get to the secure hangar, our objective is to secure the Zephyr and fly her out of here. We adapt the plan as we go along. Understood?" Kremm nodded grinning as she fixed the chains around his wrists and ankles. "The good old fashioned prisoner gag from The Valorous Knight III ! The Amazon's of Orion never saw it coming. A great strategy princess." Ellana smiled as she hacked into the prisoner transfer order, deleting her name and replacing it with Kremm's. What weak encryption. Did a child write this code? Amateurs... " You can't argue with a classic, Kremm. The MiB won't see it coming either." Sharing a laugh the two Zenobians left the cupboard, making their way to the Secure Hangar.

MiB Secure Hangar 8:30am

Ellana and Kremm walked passed dozens of MiB personnel going about their duties all of them shooting Kremm fearful glances, giving the pair a wide birth as they approached the entrance to the Secure Hangar. A large pair of automatic glass doors that opened and closed with the sound of pressurised air, guarded by a team of MiB guards two men along with a single young female. The middle male, a bald man with chevrons on his sleeves held up his hand. "Where are you taking this... mountain?" Kremm let out a menacing growl which made the three guards recoil with fear. Face impassive Ellana handed him the doctored transfer order. "Prisoner Transfer to the super max holding facility upstate. And I would be careful what you say around him, sir. This guy's mean, he's killed 10 people barehanded. Ripped their heads clean off." The other two guards looked at each other nervously as the NCO shot up looking at Kremm. Who to his credit flashed the group a menacing smile for effect. The officer gulped as he handed the tablet back. "W-well you better move along then." He said in a fearful voice as Ellana flashed him a salute walking past the group who couldn't stop staring. Grumbling Kremm turned to Ellana. "That human called me a mountain! How dare he! I ought to go tear his arms off right now." Ellana flashed him a small smile. "Easy there my friend." She patted his arm. "I think that would get a tad...messy." Kremm chuckled reassured as they neared the beautiful silver sleek shape of Ellana's personal shuttle, the Zephyr.

Nearing the dart like profile of her shuttle the pair saw two hangar technicians standing near a stack of crates to the Zephyr's port side. One was a young ebony skinned female with heart shaped features, high cheekbones and big brown eyes framed by orange safety goggles. Her raven coloured hair tied under her blue ear defenders, into a ponytail. The other a balding human male. They were both dressed in yellow jumpsuits, with the MiB logo on their left breasts with "Hangar Tech" on their backs stenciled in white and black laced steel toe cap boots. Inching closer they eavesdropped on their conversation. "Crystal. The test pilot's just about ready. Go let her know that we have completed preflight checks." Crystal saluted the man as he walked away, leaving her standing near a stack of crates. Her form will get me to the pilot, so I can replace her. Smiling Ellana approached the woman with Kremm in tow, unhooking her stun baton. Crystal's eyes widened as she beheld Kremm's massive form. "Wow, he looks scary." She remarked as Ellana advanced on her grinning. "He's not the one you should be worried about, dear." She quipped as she clamped a hand over Crystal's mouth muffling a cry of betrayal before zapping her at the side of her throat with the stun baton. The girl let out a brief pained squeak as she started to fall unconscious. Catching the technicians weight under her arms, Ellana dragged her behind the crates with Kremm right behind her.

After propping up the unconscious Crystal next to an empty crate, Ellana tossed Kremm the keys allowing him to free himself before crouched stripping off Guard W's uniform. Then kneeling besides the unconscious girl she kissed her on her inviting lips, assuming her form as Kremm kept watch. Removing her goggles and ear defenders. Crystal Sanders, 22, Junior MiB Hangar Technician. She's wants to be a pilot but that dream will remain unfulfilled as the MiB only let's those with previous military flight experience fly UFOs. Nevertheless she has a passion for tinkering with engines. Adopting Crystal's ponytail, Ellana unlaced her boots pulling them free along with her cream ankle socks before unzipping her jumpsuit. Once she had stripped the jumpsuit from Crystal's slim petite body, Ellana slid her cream lace tube bra over her head admiring her small but firm B-cup breasts with perky circular dark black areolas pulling it on before whipping off her matching cream lace shorts. Revealing a full womanhood topped with with a large trimmed triangle of jet black fuzz. Leaving Kremm to bind and gag the naked Crystal with W's undergarments, Ellana got dressed in her uniform. "Right Kremm. Get the shuttle ready for takeoff, while I take care of the pilot." Ellana said snapping on the goggles as Kremm tipped the bound naked girl into the crate, along with the prison guards uniform. "Right you are, your Highness." He smiled sealing the crate before sneaking up the boarding ramp. Using the girl's memories Ellana stalked towards the pilots locker room.

Pilots Locker Room 08:35am

Captain Riley Bannerman stood facing her locker mirror as she zipped up her bottle green MiB flight suit, the MiB logo on her shoulder and her name stitched on a black patch on her left breast, black zipped boots and matching gloves, her sleek black flight helmet resting on the bench. She glanced at her reflection, liking what she saw. Riley was an attractive woman with angular features, high cheekbones and big blue eyes. The top of her head crowned by an unruly mop of ash blonde hair. I'am so glad the MiB offered me a place. The UFO's they have me fly, man what a damn rush! And here I thought I would be stuck flying F-22s my whole career for the USAF. The pay helps as well. Just as soon she closed her locker door, Riley felt a hand clamp around her mouth to muffle her cry of surprise followed by another grasping her throat. "Steal my ship will you, mhm? Well, not if I have anything to say about it." A female voice hissed in her ear as her attacker pinched the vulnerable points of Riley's neck, eliciting a pained aroused squeak from the panicked pilot. Feeling her eyes roll into the back of her head, Riley slumped unconscious in the woman's arms. The final sensation she registered was her jumpsuit being unzipped.

Laying the unconscious pilot onto the bench, Ellana stripped out of her hangar tech disguise before she knelt by the woman assuming her form with a kiss. " Captain Riley Bannerman, 29, Former USAF, now MiB Test Pilot. She hails from a long line of USAF brats. A test pilot at Area 51, Riley flew many aircraft from top secret prototypes and alien craft. The MiB offered her a job where she could keep her rank. Her favourite thing is to fly through the air at break neck speeds. Well her helmet certainly conveys that." Ellana regarded Riley's helmet, the moniker "Born to Fly", stencilled in white on the right hand side, as she pulled off the woman's boots and gloves. Pulling Riley into a seated position Ellana slipped the jumpsuit from her shoulders, peeling it off Riley's toned athletic body before pulling up her cropped black vest over head. Letting the half naked pilot flop back down onto the bench, Ellana admired her lush well formed C-cup breasts with dark pink circular areolas as she slipped on the undergarment. Then she whipped off the matching bikini shorts exposing Riley's full clean shaven womanhood. After pulling up the stolen shorts Ellana quickly zipped up the jumpsuit pulling on the boots and gloves, then bound and gagged the toned naked form of the pilot with towels from her locker. Taking her ankles Ellana dragged Riley over to her locker stashing her inside along with Crystals uniform, leaving the woman in darkness as she closed the door. Placing the helmet on her head, Ellana flicked down the visor as she swept from the room. Time to get the hell out of here.

The HMSS Zephyr 5 minutes later

Using the pilots form Ellana walked up the boarding ramp of her personal shuttle feeling a strange sense of nostalgia. It's been 8 months since I last walked up this ramp. How I have missed you old friend? I hope the MiB haven't mistreated you. The Zephyr was specially commissioned by her father, King Conann as a research vessel and a home away from home during her sabbatico on earth. A gift to show his support for his eldest daughter, who he doted on. It had everything a young newly minted XS Doctor could need and possessed a fast prototype engine with military cloaking technology. She was the fastest most stealthiest ship in the galaxy. Walking past the lounge into the co*ckpit, Ellana flashed Kremm a smile in the co pilots seat. He looked annoyed as he fiddled with his seat. Ellana squeezing into the pilots chair opened a comment channel. "MiB flight control? This is Phoenix, over. All preflight checks have completed. Request permission for take off clearance. How copy?" The voice that answered her was a young female. "Phoenix. This is MiB flight control, permission granted. Opening the hangar doors now. Safe flying." Ellana grinned as the hangar doors opened revealing a tunnel with light at the tunnel. "Roger that, flight control. Phoenix out." Putting the throttle to half she maneuvered the shuttle from it's berth, retracting the landing gear before gently easing it forward shooting out the tunnel at just under Mach 1. " For skuts sake!" Kremm cursed as Ellana scanned the New York skyline looking for a place to land. "What's the matter, Kremm? Have some humans messed with your seat?" She asked half amused. Kremm nodded his head furious. "Some stupid human as lowered my seat! Can we turn back my lady? I seriously want to rip someone's head off for this!" They both looked at each other bursting out laughing as Ellana brought the ship into land in a park somewhere distance away from Manhattan. Shifting out of her stolen form as she did so.

Prospect Park, Brooklyn, New York, 08:55am

April Maddox peddled as fast as she could through Prospect Park she had already woke up late and she would soon be late for high school. Stupid damn bike! I knew I should have oiled the chain or at least gotten daddy to do it. Now I'am going to be so late! She was a pretty little thing with slightly squared features, sculptured cheekbones and doe shaped brown eyes. Her long honey blonde hair flying loose as she peddled hard. April was dressed in her best cable knit buttoned cardigan that covered her small chest, with plaid skirt coming down to her thighs, white knee high socks and matching laced pumps. Suddenly a sharp gust of wind blew April off her bike, sending her sprawling onto the grass. "What the f*ck?!" She cried in surprise as she pulled her from her face. Getting up she reared back as she saw two claw shaped indentations appear in the green. "What the hell?" April's mind buzzed with curiosity as she felt a flat invisible surface service. "No f*cking way! This is so cool!" She jumped slightly as a ramp lowered to her feet, giving her a glimpse of a light inside. Curiousity outweighed caution as she stepped inside. "H-hello? Is someone t-mmph?!" April felt a powerful hand seize her mouth pulling her inside, muffling her whimpers. Her eyes widened as she saw a beautiful pink skinned woman walk towards her through a lounge, dressed in a green jumpsuit. Then April knew nothing more but black, letting out a panicked pained squeak as she felt another powerful hand pinch her throat with a finger and thumb. Slumping unconscious in her attackers grip.

The Zephyr

"I have found you a suitable female, princess. The foolish creature got a little too close." Kremm said as he held the unconscious blonde female for Ellana's appraisal. "Mmm, such a comely pleasing little thing aren't you, dear?" Ellana smiled caressing the girls cheek. "You have a good eye, my friend. She is young and attractive, suitable for my needs. Come let's take her to the lounge. You can assist me with removing her clothing as I assume her form." Nodding Kremm picked her legs carrying her over to the table. "I still don't understand you fascination with human females, highness. I much prefer the... females of our race." Kremm laid the girl onto the table shooting Ellana a curious look, as she stripped completely naked. "You just haven't seen them as I have seen them, Kremm. The females are so beautiful when they are naked, so...pleasing to the eye. They have potential Kremm. Maybe not the males but the women, they are humanities secret. Let us begin." Taking the girl into her arms, Ellana passionately kissed her on those young inviting lips unbuttoning her cardigan as Kremm unlaced her shoes before pulling off the socks. April Maddox, 18, High School Senior. Ellana removed April's ear studs, inserting them in as she noticing a white lace push up bra, enveloping A-cup breasts. She runs an online make up blog and an influencer on Instagram. However she only as 10 followers at present but she's optimistic despite the fact her brother taunts her that she may be pretty big as the charisma of a goldfish. Chuckling Ellana slipped the cardigan from April's shoulder before pulling up her half naked body. She unfastened the girls bra, admiring her small youthful slightly pointed breasts with full puffy pink areolas. Ellana let the body flop back onto the table, allowing to Kremm hike up her skirt whipping off her matching thong giving Ellana a glimpse of a small trimmed golden haired cl*tor*s. After handing the panties to Ellana who put them on along with the bra, Kremm rolled April onto her side affording her a glance of her small but cute buttocks, as he unzipped the skirt freeing the garment from her petite but pleasing naked form, with one pull. As she got dressed in the girls clothes Kremm busied himself binding the girl, with torn strips from Riley's vest gagging her with the shorts. When he was done, April lay on her side hands resting behind her back, Ellana was impressed with his handiwork.

"Right, Kremm. Take the girl and hide her body somewhere discreet, so when she wakes up it's as far from the ship as possible." Ellana said as she buttoned up April's cardigan before lacing up the shoes. As turned walking down the ramp Kremm called after her. "Good luck, your highness. I hope to see you back here." Ellana gave him a hug. "Don't worry old friend. They are only going to catch me if I let them. Besides I have had enough of their hospitality." Pulling out of the hug, Ellana gave him a traditional Zenobian salute before walking down the ramp, disappearing into the light. "So beautiful..." Kremm said wistfully as he turned his attention to the naked human girl.

Prospect Park 09:10am

Picking up April's bike, Ellana searched her handbag perched in the basket finding her phone, using her memories to input her PIN number. Right let's check celebrity marriages. Well I'am in luck. There are two today. The first is a civil partnership between two females from a long running US medical drama call All Scrubbed Up. That's in Brooklyn at The Dumbo Loft that's not far from here. That starts at 10:30. And a marriage between a male city councillor and a young Manhattan socialite at the Cathedral of St John the Divine at 13:00. I can easily make both. I wonder why same sex services are called "civil partnerships" we have no such distinction back home. I wonder what the significance is. Memorising the route to The Dumbo Loft, Ellana replaced the phone into April's bag pedalling from the park.

MiB Infirmary 1km beneath Battery Park. Same moment

" God damn it! One month we have had chasing those annoying worm guys and now Ellana has escaped again! Whoever was put in charge of guarding her as screwed up! Again! f*cking useless guards!" Agent M raged as she and L strode towards the double doors of MiB medical. L stopped her for a minute with a hand. "M, hold your horses. Ellana was pretty ballsy pulling off this escape. Stealing her shuttle from under our noses. Most impressive." M took a long frustrated sigh. "You sound like you admire her, boss." L shook her head as she cuffed M upside her head. "Rookie, you have a lot to learn. When you reach my age you know that's it's better to respect your opponent and learn from them. It makes catching our quarry all the more easier." M nodded as she rubbed her head. L pushed open the door seeing nurses tend to the red headed guard W, who was wearing only a patients bib. A young nurse dressed in blue MiB scrubs turned to face them, as they approached her bed. "Agents. She's ready for you know. Guard A is still unconscious and the others are stable but resting. I advise you to please be gentle, she's had a trying experience." M snorted. "Stupid woman should have been more attentive then." The nurse shot her a scandalised look as she moved away. Rolling her eyes, L clipped her again. "Perhaps I should do the talking, eh?" M winced rubbing her head the second time as they stood beside W's bed. The young guard looked up at them, tearfully.

"I heard what she said. She is right. They fell on us while we were talking, we didn't stand a chance." Her voice was hoarse, owing to the fact that her throat was bruised in a chain link pattern. L laid a hand on her shoulder, smiling. "It's okay, Wendy." The use of her given name seemed to relax the girl. "Could you tell us what you were talking about before the attack?" Guard W nodded. "Yeah. We were talking about my up coming marriage, it seemed to interest the changeling. Although I don't know she'd care." The two agents swapped knowing glances as L turned back to the stricken guard. "Thank you, Wendy. You have been a great help. Good luck with your wedding." W just looked away. " I leaving after this. Aliens, changelings whatever. I'am not sticking around. I will be glad when I get flashed." The two agents walked out of the infirmary. "Well it looks like our girl is going to get married." L said as she crossed her arms. M nodded as she took out her communicator. "And knowing her it won't be just anyone's wedding. It's gonna be high profile." Putting the device to her ear M dialled. "Hi Vicki, babe. Yeah I'am fine thanks. I'am sorry this is business. Could you cross reference any famous weddings taking place in New York today?" After a few minutes M grinned. "Wow that was quick! What? Just the two? Somehow I thought it would be more. Flick us the details." After getting the details on the All Scrubbed Up wedding and Councillor Borowski's nuptials M bade her lover farewell, before turning to L. "Did you get all that boss?" The veteran agent grinned. "Yep. Funny thing is celebrity weddings aren't really my thing. Anyhow we haven't get a moment to lose." She said fisting her palm.

Outside The Dumbo Loft 9:45am

Still wearing the face of April Maddox Ellana stood across the road from The Dumbo Loft, finding the place packed with smartly dressed humans and both genders walking up a red carpet as journalists and photographers snapped their pictures or tried to get interviews with the stars. Ellana scanned the crowd looking for a suitable female to replace. I need a new face, dress and an invitation to get access. From there I can find the bride and replace her. After a couple if minutes, she spotted a young well endowed female wearing a strapless little black dress with strapped heels, diamond earrings and matching choker. She was a strikingly attractive woman with diamond shaped features, slender cheekbones and sparkling emerald green eyes. Framed by her long black curls. She had taken out an atomiser from her small black handbag, walking into an alley. Females and their chemical stimulation. Makes them an easy target. Not that I'm complaining. Grinning widely Ellana crossed the street following the woman into the alley.

Lauren Kirkman took deep breaths as she steeled herself for what she was about to do. This won't be easy. I still love Annabeth but I want to teach her a lesson for dumping me for that talentless hack Frances, who only got the role because she's black. I just hope the laxative is enough to go around and soon everyone will be having the sh*ts. It will be a real drama then. Now time for a little courage. Lauren thought as she raised her atomiser to her lips but before she could take a puff, she felt a hand clamp around her mouth knocking the device from her hand muffling her cries. "Shh! Sweet thing. That's a nice dress but I think we both know it will look better on me." Said a young girls voice behind her as she unfastened Lauren's choker grasping her throat with another hand, gently pinching the vulnerable points of her neck. Lauren's fearful whimpers were cut short by a muffled aroused squeak as she was lowered to the pavement, slumping unconscious in her attackers arms.

Laying the woman onto her side Ellana removed the clothing she had taken from April Maddox before kneeling beside the brunette, amusing her form with a kiss removing her jewellery. "Lauren Kirkman, 25, Wedding guest, actress on All Scrubbed Up." Ellana put on Lauren's jewellery before unstrapping the heels and unzipping the dress from the side. " She plays Dr Meredith Strong in the hit TV show, and like her onscreen character is very promiscuous. In fact she once dated Annabeth until Frances came along in season 2, but was dumped. She is jealous of Frances and had planned to ruin the wedding by spiking the punch." Ellana shook her head at the woman's duplicity as she peeled Lauren out of her dress, revealing a voluptuous figure with ample D-cup breasts with full puffy roundel shaped dark pink areolas and a solid black diamanté G-string thong, covering the actresses modesty with black lace stockings covering her long legs. After whipping off the scant underwear Ellana admired Lauren's full trimmed cl*tor*s with a thin strip of black hair and pert bubble buttocks as she rolled down the stockings one leg at a time. Once she had put on the undergarments Ellana stripped into the dress, zipping it up before strapping on the high heels. She then bound the shapely naked form of Lauren with April's socks gagging her with the lace panties scooping her up in her arms. Tipping the actress into a nearby dumpster Ellana tossed in April's clothes after her. Applying some of the woman's makeup to look the part, Ellana looped the handbag over her shoulder leaving the alley as she made her around to the front entrance.

The Dumbo Loft 10:00am

Flashing Lauren's invitation to the men at the door was enough to get Ellana into the venue. As she made her way through the crowd towards the table with the punch and plates with little pieces of ham and cheese laying on them, Ellana helped herself to a glass of champagne and some finger food scanning the floor for any sign of either one of the brides. Both would be suitable but there is sign of them. They surely cannot be late for their own wedding? After twenty minutes of mingling, having only one glass of the champagne finding it too fizzy, Ellana overhead two guests one a pretty auburn haired female wearing a red dress, the other a young male wearing a tuxedo deep in conversation. "Did you hear, Michael? The champagne hasn't agreed with the makeup artist. She's in the ladies bathroom puking her guts out." Michael put down his champagne giving it an evil look. "Poor girl. All the way from the UK too. Well I hope she gets better quickly. Or else the wedding could be called off." Well that's an opportunity if I ever heard one. Time to save this wedding. So to speak.Springing into action Ellana asked a passing waitress for directions to the ladies room. Using the directions the helpful girl had given her, she made her way there.

Rosie Mayweather knelt by the toilet bowl feeling her stomach rumble once again. Ugh! I don't know where they got that bloody plonk but it's gone straight to my stomach. She retched again as more champagne voided her stomach, along with the canapés from earlier. Despite all this she was an attractive woman of 25 with smooth rounded features, bright hazel eyes her long dark brown hair tied into a knot, with a gold sparkly fascinator perched on top. She was dressed this morning in a matching tight strapless gold sparkling gown with black heels. A gold pearl inlaid choker graced her neck with matching dangling earrings and bracelet. The sound of the bathroom door opening drew her attention, followed by a knock at her cubicle door. "What the bloody hell do you want?! It's occupied now piss off!" The sound of a woman clearing her throat answered her. "Excuse me, ma'am. I'am a doctor they sent me to see if your okay. May I come in?" Despite still feeling a little bit queasy Rosie rose from the floor. "About bloody time! I thought everyone had forgotten about me. Here let me get the door." As she opened the door Rosie saw a young dark haired woman in a little black dress. "Um, I'am sorry but you don't look like a doct-agh!!" Rosie didn't see the blow from the doctor coming, she let out a pained yelp as the chop connected with the side of the neck. Rendering her instantly unconscious.

"Consider that a cure for what ails you." Ellana said as she caught the stylist under her arms seating her onto the toilet bowl as she advanced into the stall. Straddling the woman, Ellana removed Lauren's dress and accessories before kissing her passionately taking out the fascinator and taking out her jewellery. " Rosie Mayweather, 25, Professional Stylist. She's never heard of our celebrity couple, nor as she watched a single episode of All Scrubbed Up. But Rosie is a little short on clients right now, so she took the job. She herself is getting married to her fiancé back home in autumn." Ellana put on Rosie's jewellery before adopting her style putting in the fascinator then she knelt down removing Rosie's heels. Reaching around the stylists dress Ellana unzipped the dress peeling it down her attractive petite frame, impressed by her smaller but firm B-cup breasts with small perky pink rose petal areolas with a pair of sheer lace hipster shorts covering her modesty. Whipping off Rosie's expensive lingerie, she caught a glimpse of her small pink womanhood topped by a trimmed dark brown triangle of pubic hair. After slipping on the stylists dress, including her underwear Ellana bound the girls limbs with Lauren's stockings before gagging her with a torn strip from the black dress. When she was finished Ellana picked up the naked Rosie under her shoulders dragging her over to the attendants cupboard, stashing her inside along with the remains of Lauren's dress. Then using the stylists make up from her gold sequinned clutch bag on the sinks, she copied Rosie's look. Satisfied Ellana grinned sweeping from the bathroom. Time to get married.

The same instance The Dumbo Loft Service Entrance

In the back of a white van with "Big Apple Caterers LTD." L buttoned up her stolen red waist coat, glancing wistfully at the nametag on the left breast that read "Linda". The real Linda, who was a 23 year old caterer according to her driver's license, was at her feet bound and gagged with duct tape dressed only in her matching solid white B-cup bra and thong that highlighted her young tight petite body. A pretty little thing with short chestnut coloured hair tied into a ponytail. L had barely managed to squeeze into her uniform, which consisted of a red waistcoat with white blouse, clip on black bow tie with matching knee length skirts and pumps. M next to her was also getting dressed in a uniform with the nametag "Britney. The real girl, a slip of a redhead with braided auburn hair lay at M's feet also bound with duct tape was dressed only in her pink lace A-cup bra with matching g-string thong. The two women didn't see them coming, M having choked Britney to the point of unconsciousness while L had expertly applied her marine pressure press, enclosed fists to her adams apple, and little Linda was out like a light. After she had clipped on the bow tie, M turned to her boss looking ridiculous in her too short and tight uniform. "So it looks like I'am a Britney and you're a Linda, boss." L flashed her a wry smile, chuckling with irony. "What are the chances of that, eh?" M co*cked her at her catching her tone. "Are you okay, boss? You look a little nostalgic?" Opening the side door of the van, L leapt out with M right behind her. " It's nothing rookie. Tell me. What's the pool up to on my real name?" She answered slamming the van door shut as M shrugged. "About $500 boss, why?" L just shook her head. "It doesn't matter know. Let's focus on getting our girl." Playing the part of caters, the agents got ray of canapés each wheeling them into The Dumbo Loft.

The Brides Chambers 10:20am

Annabeth Miller paced her chambers as she waited for the make-up artist. Where is she? We paid her good money to fix up my make-up and she's running late? This is supposed to be the happiest day of my life. First my parents snub me because they don't approve of us and now this. If I could just get married to Frannie right now I would. Why this is turning into just another case of life imitating art. Annabeth caught her reflection in the mirror, she was an attractive southern belle and a pin up amongst the gay community for her portrayal of troubled lesbian but brilliant lesbian neurosurgeon Tabitha Granger. Not to mention a champion of interracial marriage. What with her union to the love of her life and co-star Frances Kimball, who played bisexual nurse Rosa Guthrie. Annabeth had angular features with sharp cheekbones and big blue eyes, framed by long curled strawberry blonde hair under her tiara. She was dressed in a strapless long white wedding dress, that emphasised her c-cup breasts, with dangling silver diamond earrings and white high heels. The door opened behind to reveal the British make up artist she has hired. Annabeth let out a sigh of relief as the woman quickly approached her. "Thank god! I have waiting fore-ugh!!" The bride didn't see the neck chop coming as she let out a pained squeak, instantly unconscious before she hit the ground.

"I'am sorry but you're not getting married today, that's me." Ellana quipped into the brides ear as she caught the woman's weight under her shoulders, gently lowering her onto the couch in the middle of the room. After stepping out of Rosie's dress, removing all her garments Ellana bent over the unconscious bride kissing her soft warm lips, taking off her jewellery and tiara as she assumed her form. "Annabeth Miller, 24, Lead Actress of All Scrubbed Up. She is a full lesbian like her character Tabitha but unlike her, Annabeth hails from an affluent family in rural Tennessee. Her family doesn't approve of the show or her sexuality and really don't like her interracial marriage. They have since disowned her. Ah you have my sympathies." Ellana put on Annabeth's jewellery before unzipping her wedding dress from the side, peeling it from her slim athletic body before unclipping her front fastening backless invisible strap white lace bra. Ellana admired the brides well formed C-cup breasts with pale pink circular areolas as she clipped on the bra, before whipping off her matching sheer white lace thong, revealing her small clean shaven womanhood. Pulling up the stolen underwear Ellana stepped into the wedding dress then slipped on Annabeth's high heels. Tearing up Rosie's gold sparkling dress she bound the brides wrists and ankles, gagging her with the black lace shorts. Scooping up the naked actress Ellana dragged her over to a nearby cupboard stashing her inside, along with the remains of the make up artists dress. Closing the door on the bound bride, she sat at the vanity fixing herself a look that would allow her to look the part of a blushing bride. Then came a knock at the door.

Rising from Annabeth's vanity, Ellana opened it to reveal an handsome middle aged ebony skinned human male with squared features wearing a tuxedo. "Annie my dear! I see the that make up artist was a no show. I blame it on the champagne." Ellana smiled playing her role. "That champagne must have really done a number on her insides. I had to do my own own make-up, Gus!" Gus smiled as he offered his arm. "How many times, Annie! You are family now, please call me dad. So are you ready to marry my daughter, honey?" Ellana took the crook of his arm. "I never been more ready for anything." She giggled as she closed the door behind her, with Gus leading the way.

The Dumbo Loft Aisle 10:31am

As Ellana was being led up the aisle by Gus Kimball, a merry jingle being played by stringed instruments oddly soothing she noticed two very familiar faces standing by a table lined with plates. And just when I thought they wouldn't be coming. I see they are still wearing uniforms of women two sizes too small for them. Some people never learn. Ellana flashed the agents a cheeky wink, getting a respectful smile nod from L but a glare from the younger M. L I have a lot of respect for she's quite reasonable. In another life we could have been friends. But M? She's still sore on me for assuming her form and that of V's? She really should get over it. As she passed the two agents, Ellana came up to the altar turning to face a pretty ebony skinned girl, who must be Frances Kimball, wearing a strapped white dress with a veil covering her shirt dark black hair, who giggled with happiness when she saw her bride. She is a comely girl indeed. Annabeth is a very lucky woman. The clearing of a throat drew their attention to a middle aged female wearing a suit jacket and skirt, clutching a book. According to Annabeth's memories, she was called a registrar.

"Do you have the rings?" She said as a young woman wearing a green dress, who bore a strong resemblance to Frances approached with a cushion with two gold diamond rings handing them to the women. "Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today in matrimony to celebrate the union of two women. Annabeth Miller and Frances Kimball. I will now read the vows. Annabeth Miller do you take Frances Kimball to be your lawfully wedded wife..." As Ellana listened to the vows she was intrigued. So marriage on Earth is a contractual agreement? Not much difference from Zenobia but it seems that love can be a deciding factor as well. Humans put more stock in feeling and emotions. We Zenobians feel no such thing there is no such thing as hormonally driven romances. Our physiology precludes that. After saying I do. The registrar then asked the same questions of Frances who accepted before they slipped on the rings on each others fingers. "With the bestowal of the rings, a declaration of your love for each other. I now pronounce you wife and wife." She turned to Ellana. "You may now kiss the bride." Ellana's eyes opened. Well that's a bad idea. But this is for science after all. I will need to get out of here quick. Leaning forward Ellana grinned as she kissed the bride...

Then all hell broke lose as Ellana assumed the form of Frances Kimball who collapsed to the ground unconscious, the crowd screamed in horror as both Frances mother and the registrar fainted as Gus cried "What the sweet jesus!" Ellana immediately broke into a run as the agents gave chase. Frances Kimball, 22, she actually is a lesbian and her family is here for the wedding straight from the Bronx. They support her acting career and her sexuality. They have accepted Annabeth into their family. Well, I could have used her dress. But this doesn't seem like a good moment for stripping her. The panicking crowd worked in her favour, pushing the agents back further down the hall as she dived through an open window. Grabbing hold of a drain pipe Ellana shimmied down into an alley below. Hearing a tearing sound as she snagged her dress on a loose piece of piping. Skut! Well I need some new clothes and a face too. Ellana slid down the pipe dressing only in Annabeth's underwear. As soon as had landed, a young pretty human female wearing a navy New York Yankees hoodie with matching baseball cap underneath, black denim shorts and red laced designer trainers, approached her. Big blue eyes bright. Clutching a blue spray can.

10:50am Back Alley behind The Dumbo Loft

"Wow! Did you just shimmy down that pipe in your panties? Cool! Looks like someone didn't want to get-ugh!" Ellana swiftly neck chopped the girl sending her crashing to the pavement unconscious onto her side, the paint can rolled down the alley, falling from limp fingers. Kneeling beside the stricken girl Ellana pulled down her hood, taking off her cap to behold a comely round faced girl with smooth cheekbones and short mousy brown hair. "Looks like you will have to do, dear." She said caressing the hoodied top before stripping completely naked and taking the unconscious girl into her arms, assuming her form. " Charlee Dixon, 19, High School drop out and unemployed street artist." She said unlacing the girls trainers pulling them off. "She's a crazy Yankee's fan and spent 6 months in juvenile correction for assaulting a cheerleader and stealing her uniform, because she couldn't afford a ticket. Turns out she got caught because she forgot she needed to do dancing. And these trainers are not hers, she mugged a girl for them a block away. Mhm, sounds like the universe as a sense of humour." Ellana chuckled as she held up Charlee's arms pulling off her hooded top over her head, revealing small but cute A-cups with slightly pointed puffy pink areolas along with a navel piercing. After inserting the girl's piercing Ellana let the delinquent's half naked body flop back to the pavement, before unbuttoning her jeans shorts working them off her slender hips down her long legs revealing a solid black G-string protecting her modesty. Whipping off the undergarment afforded Ellana a glance at her full youthful vagin* crowned with a thick triangle of trimmed brown hair. Quickly dressing in Charlee's Dixon's clothes, pulling on the hoodie setting on the baseball cap, Ellana tipped the girls naked petite body into the dumpster tossing in Annabeth's underwear after her. No time to tie her up. The agents could be on me any second. Checking the girl's phone, Ellana smiled. I have enough time to get to the cathedral, in hour by cab. Replacing the phone into her pocket, she flicked up the hood. Leaving the alley Ellana flagged down a nearby cab. " The Cathedral of St John the Divine. And step on it!" The driver smiled as she pulled away. "You don't look like your going to a wedding, sweetie." Ellana flashed her a smile. "I will have that covered, trust me." She said leaning back into her seat with a grin.

Outside the Dumbo Loft same moment

The two Agents had reached the alley where Ellana had landed, their stun pistols drawn. M signalled to her boss the nearby dumpster, L expertly covering her six nodded. "Check it M." M flipped open the lid roaring with frustration as she saw the naked unconscious body of Ellana's latest victim. "God damn it! Why are we always late to the party?" L looked in on the girl taking her communicator. "P? Yeah it's me. Get your team over here to The Dumbo Loft, now. Ellana has left us one hell of a mess to clean up. Six victims in total. We are in pursuit." P sighed " By "in pursuit" you mean mug a couple more innocent girls, right? Watch yourself L." He said before hanging up. L turned to her partner as they ran from the alley. "Come on! We can had her off at the Cathedral. Let's just get to the car..." Her voice trailing off as they both saw an NYPD tow truck drive off with their sedan. "Oh now that's just f*cking great! We got ticketed for double parking! Now how are we going to get there? Thumb a lift from P." M yelled as she ran out to the middle of the road. Shaking her head, L heard the loud beep of a truck horn as a Fed-Ex truck broke sharply in front of her. There were two young women dressed in Fed-Ex uniforms; navy baseball caps with the company logo, short sleeve polo shirts with company logo on the front and blue seems. Black trousers with black laced work boots. Their IDs hanging around their necks. " Hey you! What are you crazy! Move outta our way! We have important deliveries to make." Said the driver as she leant out, a pretty Indian girl with tanned heart shaped features her long black hair tied into a ponytail. L smiled She looks my size and the other one, M could squeeze into her clothes. . Her partner was an equally pretty ash blonde with shoulder length hair. M had walked over to the passenger side door as L took out her stun pistol, walking over to the driver's side.

"That's a very nice truck ladies but I'am afraid we need to requisition it, along with your uniforms." The girl blinked in shock. "Are you nuts-agh!!" L whipped out her pistol blasting the girl with a stun blast to her chest, before training it on the blonde tapping her once in the side. The two let out brief cries of pain as they slumped unconscious into their seats. L opened the driver's side door, climbing inside. "Come on, M. Take their uniforms. She already as enough of a hard start. " That was a little hard core, wasn't it boss?" M said as she opened the passenger door clambering into the truck, glancing at the blondes ID. "Looks like I'am a Gina Vincent. And you?" L unbuckled the unconscious girl from her seatbelt. "Raksha Sharma. I know I don't look Indian." Laughing the two dragged the women into the rear cargo bed.

"Now stealing the truck is one thing I do understand, but their uniforms as well boss?" M said as she glanced over her shoulder at the scantily clad bound drivers laying unconscious in the cargo bed. The cute Raksha wearing only her matching pink cropped lace trim camisole and matching thong, while the equally pretty Gina was dressed only in her blue plunge t-shirt bra with matching panties. L spared them a cursory glance before switching on the engine. "I see it has a way to teach these girls some manners. Plus we needed the truck and the uniforms were part of that. Besides, weren't you complaining that Britney's uniform was too small for you. You look quite snug in that." M nodded her head " You have a point there." L flashed her a wink as they pulled out heading towards the Cathedral.

The Cathedral of St John the Divine 11:49am

After a long cab ride across New York that was hampered by heavy rush hour traffic, Ellana had paid off the female driver with Charlee's stolen money arriving at a packed cathedral with no way to go in through the front. It's far too public. I cannot pull a woman aside without getting spotted. There are two young females standing by those bushes, they look a little too friendly with each other but I cannot take them both out at once. No, I will take a leaf from the agents book. Circling around to an alley beside the church, Ellana had noticed that the alley was full up with parked vans with the legend "Lady Liberty Catering." flashed in blue on the side. Then she heard it, the familiar clicking sound of a cigarette being lit. Smiling Ellana crouched behind a van seeing a young female human with her back to her, lighting up. All too easy she grinned as she approached the unsuspecting caterer, appraising her.

Becky Wong blew another stream of blue smoke as she leaned against the side of the van. I really needed this. Can't go around serving this rich snobs without some nicotine in my lungs. Sometimes I wish that I had stayed with my Uncles company. But if I did then I wouldn't be able to pay for my tuition at college, so whatever. Catching her reflection in the mirror, Becky grinned liking what she saw. She was an attractive example of Chinese American beauty, with diamond shaped tanned features, high cheekbones and slanted brown eyes. Her dark brown hair tied into a short ponytail. She was dressed in her uniform; blue long sleeve shirt with a black clip on tie over which was a navy waistcoat with her nameplate on, matching slacks and sensible black shoes. As she took a deep breath, Becky was about to take another drag from her cigarette when she felt a hand clamp over her mouth, knocking her cigarette from her fingers and muffling her cry of surprise. Becky started to whimper in fear. " Time for your break, my dear." Hissed a young girls voice in her ear as she gripped her throat, pinching the vulnerable sides ending the caterers cries with an aroused muffled squeak. Slumping unconscious in her attackers arms, Becky's final sensation was being dragged into one of the vans.

Laying down the unconscious girl onto the floor of the catering van, Ellana closed the side door before stripping off Charlee's clothes then taking the caterer into her arms she assumed her form, working loose her ponytail and ignoring her nicotine breath. "Becky Wong, 21, Waitress Lady Liberty Catering." Ellana adopted Becky's ponytail then unbuttoned her waistcoat, unclipping her tie. Moving on to her shoes she unlaced them slipping them off along with white lace ankle socks. "She used to work for her uncle's Chinese catering company, until she got tired of being paid meagre wages." Removing Becky's waistcoat Ellana unfastened her shirt, revealing a hint of A-cup breasts enveloped by a blue and white striped tube bra. " She took a job with her current employer and gets paid far more then she ever did. This is enough for Becky to afford her college tuition with her ultimate life goal that she wants to be a Forensic Scientist because she's into CSI. He uncle no longer speaks to her." Unzipping Becky's trousers Ellana worked them off her hips, peeling them down her long tanned legs along with her matching bikini cut shorts, exposing her small womanhood topped with a thick trimmed strip of dark brown pubic hair. After pulling on the stolen underwear Ellana stripped off Becky's shirt then rolling her half naked body onto her side, getting a good look at her small tanned buttocks, unclasping her bra she admired Becky's small A-cup breasts with perky circular dark brown areolas. Once she had finished getting dressed in Becky's uniform, straightening the waistcoat clipping on the tie Ellana bound and gagged Becky's petite naked form with duct tape she had found in the vans glove box. Dragging the girl's body deeper into the shadows of the van, behind a row of boxes she jumped out the van sliding the door shut behind her. Locking up the van, Ellana walked through the service entrance door. Time to get married...again.

Last edited by Stormtrooper1990 on Sun May 05, 2024 8:05 am, edited 11 times in total.

Ellana's Cultural Studies on Humanity Chapter 23:- On the Institution of Marriage (2024)


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.