What to Expect Before, During, and After Sclerotherapy: Vascular Specialists: Vascular Surgeons (2024)

Vascular Specialists Blog What to Expect Before, During, and After Sclerotherapy

What to Expect Before, During, and After Sclerotherapy: Vascular Specialists: Vascular Surgeons (1)

Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive medical procedure designed to treat varicose veins and spider veins. If you're considering this treatment, it's natural to have questions about what to expect.

That’s why our team at Vascular Specialists takes time to answer all of your questions during your pre-procedure appointment in Tinley Park, Illinois, or Munster, Indiana. During that time, we provide all of your pre- and post-treatment instructions.

In the meantime, here’s a general overview of what you can expect before, during, and after your sclerotherapy treatment.

Before sclerotherapy

Schedule a sclerotherapy consultation with a vascular specialist in our Vein Care Institute. During your consultation, our team reviews your medical history, examines your veins, and discusses the procedure's benefits and potential risks.

Your Vascular Specialists provider explains the procedure, including how the sclerosing agent works to close off targeted veins, which causes your body to redirect blood flow to other, healthier blood vessels.

If sclerotherapy is right for you, you’ll receive specific preparation instructions based on your treatment area and your specific health needs. Instructions may include avoiding certain medications, such as blood thinners, and abstaining from using lotions or creams on the day of your treatment.

During sclerotherapy

Wear loose and comfortable clothing to the procedure. Depending on the location of the veins being treated, you may need to change into a medical gown. Sclerotherapy is typically a quick outpatient procedure —it lasts around 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the number of veins being treated.

Prior to the procedure, you may receive an anesthetic to numb the treatment area. During the procedure, your Vascular Specialists provider uses a fine needle to inject a sclerosing solution directly into the targeted veins using the guidance of ultrasound imaging.

You may feel mild discomfort or a slight stinging sensation during the injections. The foaming agent 一 an advanced foam called Varithena™ 一 expands and seals off your problematic vein. This forces your blood to flow through other veins. Over time, the problematic vein shuts down and gets absorbed by your body.

After sclerotherapy

After sclerotherapy, you’ll likely wear compression stockings. These promote blood flow and help prevent swelling. In addition to wearing your compression stockings as recommended, you can also expect to avoid vigorous exercise. Gentle walking, however, is encouraged to aid in circulation.

While sclerotherapy is generally well-tolerated, it’s not uncommon to experience temporary side effects such as bruising, redness, or itching at the injection site. These usually resolve on their own.

Over the following weeks, you'll notice a gradual improvement in the appearance of treated veins. It's important to attend follow-up appointments with the Vascular Specialists team so we can assess your progress and determine if you require additional treatments.

We encourage you to adopt vein-friendly lifestyle habits, such as getting regular exercise, elevating your legs at night, avoiding staying in one position throughout the day, and eating a well-balanced, nutrient-dense diet.

If you’d like to explore the possibilities of sclerotherapy, give us a call at 815-824-4406, or click here to book your next appointment.

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What to Expect Before, During, and After Sclerotherapy: Vascular Specialists: Vascular Surgeons (2024)


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