love at its core - Chapter 1 - evanesukeii - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)

Chapter Text

The first time they met, was the same day they wed.

Amane Himorogi didn't fall head over heels for Kagaya Ubuyashiki when he said she didn't have to marry and care for him if she didn't want to. What he said made him likeable, a good first impression.

She'd decided to care for him before she stepped into his estate. To claim that she wanted to care for this stranger was a stretch, but she was confident that no one forced her to care for him. This decision, in his words, was of her own free will.

At thirteen, Kagaya was only slightly taller than Amane, his frame probably compensated by the garments he wore. Even so, he had a handsome face and his most striking feature was his eyes, which radiated life and maturity that surpassed even those aged thirty.

She supposed that being forced into the role of clan head at the age of four had something to do with it.

Amane looked him in the eye and told him she was marrying and caring for him on her own accord. It put a bright smile on his face and she too, couldn't help but mirror his smile, leaving him transfixed for a brief moment.

"Thank you. I'll be in your care." He willed himself to break the silence before extending out his hand. As the polite woman she was raised to be, she placed her hand in his. As expected, there wasn't much to grip. Worried about holding his hand too tightly, she matched his grip.

Compassion. That was what she felt.

To her surprise, he didn't let go of her hand as he beckoned the priest over to begin the marriage ritual. He reasoned that she was probably tired from travelling and that it wasn't nice to make a guest wait. The servants and the attendant quickly procured and prepared the necessary garments and arrangements for the marriage ceremony.

In less than a few hours, his request was done there and then. They were pronounced husband and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ubuyashiki.

As soon the priest left and the sun began to set, he called the servants to bring her belongings in and introduced her as the new lady of the house. Amane watched as two helpers brought all her belongings in. She was informed that most of the necessities would be provided.

Kagaya noted how little belongings she had, and figured that being raised as a Shinto priestess might have something to do with it.

Her attention was soon on her new husband who began to breathe heavily, gripping his side with a trembling hand. Amane carefully reached out to support him, realising that he'd had been standing the whole time since she arrived.

"Oyakata-sama," She called out what she heard the servants greeted him as, "Let me help you inside."

He nodded weakly as she wrapped an arm around his waist and slung his arm over her shoulder. She matched her pace to his as he led her to his room. The futon had already been laid out in the middle of the room and she helped him onto the floor. As he caught his breath, she poured some tea for him to drink.

His room alone was probably half the size of her maiden home. There was a huge bookshelf filled with books, a desk set up on one side of the room, and a wardrobe for clothes. Other than the fresh bouquet placed near the window, there weren't other decorations or trinkets. It was simple and homely enough, but she liked that it was practical.

"Are you alright?" Amane asked as he finished the tea, looking visibly more relieved.

"I am. I was probably more nervous than I realise. Now that it's over, I must be feeling the fatigue of it." Kagaya smiled as Amane reached for the empty cup.

"I see, thankfully the ceremony wasn't as complicated and elaborate." Amane paused and cleared her throat, feeling a peculiar awkwardness kicking in, "I'll like to get to know you more but I'll leave you to retire for the day."

Before she could stand and excuse herself out of the room, Kagaya reached out for her hand once more.

"Amane-san, wait."

She stopped in her tracks and tried to hide the long breath she took.

"What can I do for you, Oyakata-sama?" Amane said and knelt back down beside him.

"For you," Kagaya reached into his kimono, took out a black box with a ribbon over it, and handed it to her, "Today's the first day I meet you, and your first day as my wife. I don't know what you like but I wanted to show you my appreciation. Please open it."

Amane blinked a few times before untying the ribbon and opening the box, revealing two salmon-colour hairpins decorated with small flower crystals resembling wisteria flowers and cherry blossoms.

She knew what the wisteria flowers signified but the salmon-peach-colour and the cherry blossom flowers? Interesting choice. By the looks of the craftsmanship, it was customised with precision and care, not exactly something one could buy off the shelf.

She looked back at him, slightly embarrassed that she didn't know what to say. He broke out into a sheepish smile.

"You must not like it," Kagaya chuckled, amused by her confused look, "Forgive me, I have little knowledge or experience in the field of relationships and husbandry. I can get it replaced-,"

"No," She cut him off gently, shaking her head as she gathered her thoughts. She was not about to start this marriage on an awkward note.

"I like it, it's lovely." She started, her composure wavering slightly, "I'm just stunned because I didn't see this coming or know what to expect. From this," She paused, "arrangement."

"Arrangement is an apt word," Kagaya mused, not taking his eyes off her, "But I intend to get to know you and be someone you can also rely on, in due time. In our own time."

His voice was so genuine and soothing that she felt her body relaxing as well.

"We are husband and wife legally, but I will respect your boundaries and your wishes. I want you to be comfortable here." He looked away, feeling the heat of a light blush on his cheek.

While he was afraid he was too forward, his maturity and manners touched her. She looked at the hairpin before she smiled and bowed. "Thank you for the hairpins and your understanding, Oyakata-!"

"One more thing," Kagaya cut her off as he reached for one of the hairpins in the box and slid one into her hair, as meticulously as his finger would allow, "Call me Kagaya, please."

She gaped, caught off-guard by his gesture. They gazed briefly at each other once more before he abruptly looked to the window while she looked at her fiddling hands. He was reminded that they were both barely adults who knew nothing about love.

She reached for the other hairpin and slid it onto the other side of her head, drawing his gaze back onto her. She felt her face heating up and prayed he couldn't see her blushing.

"Please call me Amane then, Kagaya," She said shyly, a smile gracing her face, "Thank you. I'll leave you to rest."

"An attendant will show you to your room. It's a few doors down from here, just in case you get lost."

She brought her sleeves to her face and bowed and he watched her leave. Once she closed the door behind her, he fell back onto the sheets, covering his face, perplexed at how he was feeling. He was baffled how he could look at her forever but as soon as they locked eyes, he had to look away. He slapped his cheeks to calm himself down.

He made a mental note to tell his tailor to make some kimonos to compliment her and those hairpins.

Outside his room, Amane pressed her hands to her cheek, eyes squeezed shut as she hoped the blush and the adrenaline would diffuse out of her.

He was the head of the Ubuyashiki clan, but he was just a boy. She was a Shinto Priestess in an arranged marriage, but she was just a girl.

One of the first things she learnt about Kagaya was that he loved going on walks.

The morning after her first night at the estate, as she was about to go to his room to greet him, he was outside his door, looking as if he completed something. He explained that he was back from his morning walk.

"For exercise?" She asked as they made their way to the tea room. He felt his steps lighter upon noticing that she wore the hairpins he gave her.

"Well, when you put it that way, it is some exercise for me," Kagaya laughed as they sat on the floor, as some attendants poured out tea for them, "But there's something comforting about feeling the sun on my skin. Perhaps it's the fact that demons cannot enjoy this bliss."

Amane couldn't resist a smile at his words, how they sounded so pure, yet with so much awareness of the reality they lived in.

Weeks went by and she concluded his walks usually lasted one to two hours. Soon it became a thing where they would gather by the tea room after his walk to have breakfast and tea, exchanging conversations and learning about each other. When she didn't find him in the tea room one morning, she found herself in a state of worry.

It was close to lunchtime and Kagaya was nowhere to be seen. Even some attendants came up to her asking about his whereabouts. It sent Amane running around the estate she was still getting used to. She was supposed to be his caretaker, how could she cause other people to worry about the clan head?

As soon as she saw Kagaya entering the estate, she felt the weight of her worry lifted off her chest. She

"Amane, what happened?" Kagaya's serene expression dropped as she ran up to him, panting as lightly as she could.

"I got worried, not being able to find you anywhere, I feared something happened." Amane said in between her breaths before standing upright. Oddly, her worry for him lifted his spirits and her words felt warm against his heart.

He blinked repeatedly as a look of ease washed across her face, though not quite erasing the flush from the running. Without thinking, he reached out to brush her cheek lightly.

He looked up at the sun and smiled, "Sorry for causing you to worry, I didn't realise I took a longer route today."

"I see..." She nodded absentmindedly as she shifted her eyes away, looking at her sock-clad feet, slightly dusty from running around.

"Speak your mind, Amane." Kagaya nudged gently, sensing her uncertainty.

"You know," Amane spoke slowly, "You can invite me on your walks whenever you like, Kagaya."

"Would you like to join me on my daily walks?" Kagaya had to confirm he was hearing her right. She kept her gaze away and her nods were shy but firm. He soon felt a huge grin on his face. It was just a simple desire but it delighted him to his bones.

"It's my pleasure." Kagaya smiled as he lightly patted her head, "I've been meaning to invite you on my walks, but I didn't want to add one more thing to your routine."

"Please don't say that, my Lord." She responded and glanced at him, "I enjoy being around you." Kagaya nodded slowly, appreciating that she was becoming more honest with her thoughts and feelings.

"I'm glad you enjoy being around me. I appreciate your presence too." Kagaya explained, " but I wanted you to sleep in as you had a long day yesterday, meeting the corps, some of the fellow Hashira, and running some errands I requested."

"Oh, it's nothing," Amane smiled, relaxed by his voice and considerate nature. She took his hand and began to walk with him back to the estate, something that was becoming natural between them, "Your corps members are wonderful people with pure hearts. It wasn't tiring meeting them."

"You haven't seen their fierce side when they are in action," Kagaya muttered, a grim expression flashing across his face briefly, "I wouldn't want to get into their bad books any day."

"I can only imagine," Amane nodded, "But I believe their goodness and resolve is a reflection of your leadership, Kagaya. Their respect and reverence for you says a lot."

"That is a very nice thing to say," Kagaya said but from her peripheral vision, she caught a glint of sadness from him, "I don't deserve this respect from them, especially when they are the ones getting their hands dirty. I can barely lift a sword, let alone swing it."

"That doesn't downplay the support you give them," Amane consciously intertwined her fingers with his, hoping it gave him some reassurance. He watched their intertwined hands as she continued to speak with more confidence.

"You're a great leader for the Demon Slayer Corps, Kagaya, I'm seeing it for myself."

He faced her as they came to a stop and the genuine look in her eyes stirred something in him he never felt before. The trees began to rustle as a breeze brushed past them. He was touched by her —her thoughts, beauty and gaze that softened each day. But he recalled the brutal reality of being a leader who was doomed with an illness.

Kagaya looked at the leaves and flowers cascading down the trees as he said, "Amane, thank you for your words, but I must tell you this. There will come a day when I will no longer be fit to lead, even if I'm alive."

She was confused by the shift in the conversation, but she was quickly reminded of the curse that would be inflicted on him soon.

"I wanted to introduce you to the demon slayers as soon as possible, because one day you might have to represent me. I don't know how the disease will progress but it will steal the life and abilities out of me, eventually."

He glanced at her before continuing, "You don't have to do it if you don't want to. But rest assured, I'll be by your side to help you understand everything you need to know about the corps and to lead them when the time comes."

As they stood in silence, he wondered if he should have told her this before they got married. Before his thoughts could turn into regret, he saw a glint of determination in her eyes.

"I will support you and your wishes as my own." Amane replied after a brief pause, "Demons shouldn't have a place in our world. Breaking up families, hurting people, cursing people to suffer. I want to help these people too."

A small smile appeared across his face before Amane smiled back at him, "I'm relieved to hear that."

"Shall we head in? You must be hungry and thirsty. I'll get the servants to prepare our meals." She smiled.

"Thank you, but let's have lunch outside by the porch today." Kagaya proposed as they fell in step with each other, the back of their hands brushing each other.

"That will be nice." She nodded and left him to sit by the porch before walking to one of the attendants nearby.

"I am lucky for a cursed man to have such a wife, " Kagaya said softly to himself after some moments as he watched her interacting with the estate helpers, who brightened up at the sight of Amane.

The next morning she joined him, she learnt the true purpose of his walk was to visit the graves of the fallen corps member and pay his respect.

"You do this every day?" Amane whispered to him as she helped him up after praying.

He dusted some leaves off her shoulders and nodded before moving to the next grave. Her awe for her husband only grew and she held onto his arm tighter as they walked.

love at its core - Chapter 1 - evanesukeii - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)


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Author: Lidia Grady

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Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.