Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (2024)


May 27, 2015

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Hi guys!

Today I’m going to share one of my favorite Korean cold noodle dishes.

The name of dish is Jjolmyeon.

Jjolmyeon is a type of Korean noodles that have a very chewy texture. Most of the time we eat as a cold and spicy dish with vegetables, especially soybean sprouts.

It is spicy, sweet, tangy, chewy and crunch.
Since Jjolmyeon has chewy texture, it goes really well with harder texture vegetables- such as carrot, beansprouts, cabbage and cucumber.

Jjolnmeyon used to be my after school meal when I was in high school. 🙂

When I filmed this episode of Asian at Home and tasted the dish, I felt like I was in high school, eating Jjolmyoen after boring classes! lol

This spicy chewy dish made me forget any stresses I had as a high school student.

Hope you guys give this recipe a try and taste my high school summer time! 🙂


Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (5)

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  • Author: Seonkyoung Longest
  • Yield: 2 1x
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For the Gochujang Sauce

  • 2 Tbs. Gochujang (Korean red pepper paste)
  • Fresh juice from 1 lemon (approximately 2 1/2 Tbs)
  • 1 Tbs. Gochugaru (Korean red pepper flakes)
  • 2 Tbs. Sugar
  • 1 Tbs. Toasted sesame oil
  • 1 tsp. Toasted sesame seeds
  • 1 Clove garlic, minced or grated

For Assemble Jjolmyeon

  • 1 Egg
  • 4 oz. Soybean sprouts
  • 12 oz. Jjolmyeon noodles, separate each noodle

Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (7)Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (8)Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (9)

  • 1Tbs. Salt
  • 2 oz. Cabbage, thinly sliced
  • 2 oz. Cucumber, julienne
  • 2 oz. Carrot, julienne


  1. Hard boil an egg; peel and set aside. In a small mixing bowl, combine all ingredients for gochujang sauce and whisk until smooth. Set aside.
    Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (10)Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (11)
  2. Bring 8 to 10 cups of water to boil and add about 1 Tbs salt; add soybean sprouts and cover, cook for 4 minutes over high heat. Turn off heat and let it sit with cover on for 1 minute. Take soybean sprouts out and rinse under cold water. (Save hot water in pot) Drain completely and set aside.
    Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (12)Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (13)Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (14)Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (15)Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (16)Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (17)
  3. Bring water (we cooked soybean sprouts) back to boil; add Jjolmyeon noodles and cook it by following directions on your noodle package. (Normally it takes about 3 to 5 minutes to cook Jjolmyeon noodles)
    Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (18)Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (19)Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (20)
  4. Drain, rinse under cold water, and rub noodles with both hands to get rid of excess starch for about 2 minutes. Drain completely.
    Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (21)Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (22)
  5. Now, let’s assemble Jjolmyeon! Place noodles in the bottom of a serving bowl and then place prepared soybean sprouts, cabbage, cucumber, and carrot right on top of noodles. Cut hard-boiled egg in halves and place a half on top of noodle bowl.

    Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (23)Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (24)Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (25)Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (26)

  6. Serve immediately with gochujang sauce. Mix well with a pair of chopsticks right before you eat.
    Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (27)Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (28)Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (29)


Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (31)


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Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (32)

Steven HJune 8, 2016 at 3:46 am

I really enjoy this dish! I have made it a few times now, but just a few questions :).

I don’t usually have soy bean sprouts, but I do have mung bean sprouts. Do I still need to blanch them? I tried it and I didn’t like the flavor or texture. Usually I add them at the last second in a stir fry, so I wonder if I can just eat them raw? Also, are your noodles still frozen when you add them? I’m not sure if my noodles are cooking enough or not. Thanks for the great recipe!


Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (33)

SeonkyoungJune 8, 2016 at 9:13 pm

If you are using mung bean sprouts, it’s up to you to blanch or not! If you like the crunchiness of the raw mung bean sprouts, you don’t have to. 🙂 I usually though out the noodles before cook them. Hope this helps Steven!


Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (34)

Steven HJune 10, 2016 at 3:14 pm

Thanks for the tips! I made it again last night and just left the mung bean sprouts raw 🙂 I liked it that way. I also threw in some fried chicken chunks… really good with the gochujang sauce! Time to buy some more jjolmeyon!


Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (35)

EvelienApril 15, 2020 at 7:33 am

It looks really good! I really want to try this.
Would you say it is a lunch or diner meal?


Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (36)

SeonkyoungApril 17, 2020 at 11:57 am

It can be anything you want! That is the beauty of Korean food, there isn’t much “breakfast” or “Lunch, dinner” specific meals. You can eat it whenever you want, for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even as a snack! (: Hope this helped.


Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (37)

EvelienMay 6, 2020 at 5:32 am

I finally was able to make it!
DANG IT! Thats stuff is good!!

We had it for lunch… Well.. will also have it next week as diner xD

Thank you so much for the recipe!

I would like to tell you that there is code in the description of the recipe, with makes it a little hard to read while cooking.


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Jjolmyeon Recipe (Korean Spicy Cold Chewy Noodles) 쫄면 만들기 - Seonkyoung Longest (2024)


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