Baby Road Trip Essentials: Packing List & Travel Tips (2024)

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Are you wondering what baby road trip essentials you need for your next driving adventure? Embarking on a family road trip is an adventure in its own right, but add a baby into the mix, and suddenly, the journey takes on a whole new level of complexity.

If you’re planning for a road trip, the idea of an extended car journey with a baby in tow can evoke a mix of excitement and trepidation, even for seasoned travel enthusiasts.

Trust us, we’ve been there too!

Any travel with a baby comes with extra considerations, planning, extra diapers and yes, extra stuff—lots of it.

These baby road trip essentials will help you ensure your baby’s comfort and safety and have you ready for those poorly timed diaper changes that have a knack for happening between pit stops.

We have put together the ultimate baby road trip packing list to help you prepare when travelling with a baby.

Baby Road Trip Essentials: Packing List & Travel Tips (1)

Baby Road Trip Essentials: How To Prepare For A Long Car Ride With Your Baby

Preparing for a long car ride with your baby requires meticulous planning and consideration. Your best starting point is putting together a packing list of essential items for a road trip with an infant.

Preparing for a road trip also means planning your stops and having realistic expectations of how far you can travel each day.

Some of this will come down to how well your baby travels in the car normally.

If your baby isn’t a great car traveller, it might mean only being able to drive shorter distances each day compared to what you might have done before having kids or with older kids on a road trip.

With those considerations in mind, let’s get to the important bit – all the baby essentials for road trips.

Essential Baby Road Trip Packing List

Preparing a comprehensive baby road trip packing list ensures that you’re fully equipped to handle any situation that may arise during your long drives with your baby.

Here is the essential packing list for a road trip with a baby:

Diaper Changing Essentials

Baby Road Trip Essentials: Packing List & Travel Tips (2)

Diaper changes are inevitable during a road trip, and having a well-equipped diaper changing station on hand is essential.

Pack an ample supply of diapers, baby wipes, and a portable wipe dispenser for quick and hygienic diaper changes and clean-ups.

Don’t forget diaper rash cream to address any discomfort – A change in routine can often trigger such things.

A changing pad or mat provides a clean surface for diaper changes, and plastic bags are indispensable for containing soiled clothes and diapers, preventing odours from spreading until you can drop them into a public bin.

Keep these essential items in a diaper bag that is packed near your infant, so you can do a quick diaper change at rest stops or handle diaper leaks quickly!

Feeding Essentials

Feeding your baby on the go requires careful preparation. What you pack for a road trip with a baby will depend on the feeding stage they are at.

If you are still nursing your baby or mix feeding with milk and solids, you need to ensure you have an adequate supply of baby bottles, formula, or breast milk, depending on your baby’s needs.

You can find tips for travelling with breast milk and while breastfeeding.

Don’t forget to pack baby food, snacks, and finger foods to keep hunger at bay.

Burp cloths and bibs are handy for managing spills, a spit up and other messes, while a cooler bag and portable breast pump might be needed if you plan to express milk and store it.

Sleeping Essentials

A well-rested baby is a happy traveller.

You also want to make sure your baby is able to sleep safely in the car seat or baby capsule when you are driving. This means ensuring you don’t leave anything with your baby that might put them at risk.

Additionally, sunshades or window covers can help darken the sleeping area and encourage naps.

Depending on the length of your road trip with a baby, you might also need to bring along items for their actual sleeping arrangements in your hotel room or if staying with friends or family, such as a portable cot.


Dressing your baby appropriately for the journey is crucial. Opt for comfortable outfits that suit the weather conditions.

Pack extra clothing to account for spills and accidents, and don’t forget to include a sun hat or beanie and mittens to shield your baby from the elements when you get out at a rest stop.

Consider layering clothing for easy adjustments to changing temperatures along the route.

  • 2-3 outfits a day – Rompers and bodysuits are easy options for very young babies
  • Leggings – Bring extras if you are road tripping in winter
  • Sweaters /jumpers – For cooler weather trips that require extra layers, otherwise just a light cardigan for summer months
  • Socks – Pack several as they have a habit of going missing
  • Hat – Sun hat in warmer seasons or a beanie for the cooler months
  • Swimming gear – Disposable or reusable swim nappies and swimsuit if swimming is on your itinerary

Extra Baby Gear

Having the right baby gear simplifies the journey for both you and your little one.

A properly installed car seat is a non-negotiable safety essential.

But there are a few other useful items that are worth considering, depending on where you are going, how long you are road-tripping for and what needs you might have.

  • Umbrella stroller – More compact than a regular stroller if you need more space in your car for all your road trip gear
  • Baby carrier or sling – Provides a hands-free way to carry your baby and compact to pack
  • Portable high chair – We like the fabric over chair travel high chair options but you can also get travel high chair booster seats or pack a Bumbo for babies who are eating solids.
  • Toys – Keep your baby entertained by adding a few baby travel toys to your packing list, such as the type that clips onto the car seat or stroller
  • Pacifier – If your baby uses a pacifier (or dummy as we say here in Australia), make sure you bring a spare in case it gets lost during one of your stops
  • Baby toiletries – Baby shampoo, baby bath and any other baby care items that you use regularly
  • Sealed bucket – If you are using reusable nappies for your baby, having a sealed bucket for your dirty diaper will help avoid stinking out the car until you can rinse them out at a hotel sink or washing machine. Extra large zip lock bags are a more compact alternative.
  • Play mat – For tummy time so your baby can have a comfortable place to play and roll when you reach your accommodation

Other Must-Haves For A Road Trip With A Baby

In addition to the essentials mentioned above, there are a few more items that can enhance your baby’s comfort and safety on the road.

  • First Aid Kit – A first aid kit for the whole family is always essential for any family road trip, with basic items like band-aids and sting cream, but also tailored to your baby’s needs too.
  • Ziplock bags – You never know when you might need these for putting half-chewed baby rusks or a pacifier that got dropped in the dirt and needs sanitising.
  • Baby-safe sunscreen
  • Prescription medications
  • Passport – If you are driving across borders, make sure you have the proper identification documents for your baby.

Tips For Car Travel With A Baby

Baby Road Trip Essentials: Packing List & Travel Tips (3)

Make your road trip with a baby much smoother with a few tips that will help save your own sanity and keep everyone more comfortable when driving long distances:

Frequent Stops:

When taking a long car journey with a young baby (or with kids of any age), incorporating frequent stops into your travel plan is a must.

Babies have their own schedule of feeding, diaper changes, and stretches, and these breaks allow you to attend to their needs comfortably.

Use rest areas, gas stations, or designated pit stops to ensure your baby is well-fed, changed, and given the chance to move around.

Keep Frequent Use Items Within Reach

Efficiency is key when travelling with a baby.

Pack a travel diaper bag, with essentials like diapers, wipes, snacks, and toys within easy reach. This way, you can access what you need without having to open the back boot and sift through all your luggage each time you need something.

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Keeping these items within arm’s reach minimises disruption and helps you attend to your baby’s needs promptly.

Utilise seat-back organisers or designated compartments in the front seat to stay organised and avoid unnecessary stops.

Time Driving With Naps

Baby Road Trip Essentials: Packing List & Travel Tips (5)

Strategically planning your travel schedule around your baby’s nap times can make a significant difference in your journey. When your little one is napping, you can cover more ground with minimal interruptions.

Take advantage of your baby’s natural sleep patterns to log in some driving time.

Car Travel Safety

Prioritising your baby’s safety during car travel is non-negotiable.

Ensure your baby’s car seat is properly installed and adjusted according to their age and height. Use rear-facing car seats for infants and follow manufacturer guidelines.

Double-check the seat’s secure installation at the beginning of your journey and at every stop.

Keep sharp objects and potential choking hazards out of your baby’s reach, and ensure that all car windows and doors are childproofed.

Be Flexible

While meticulous planning is essential, it’s equally important to embrace flexibility when travelling with a baby. Unexpected situations can arise, from traffic delays to unscheduled stops.

Maintain a positive attitude and be prepared to adapt your plans as needed. Babies can be unpredictable, and having a flexible mindset helps you navigate challenges with less stress.

Remember, the journey is as much about the experience as the destination, and a bit of flexibility can turn unforeseen situations into memorable moments.

Road Trip Accommodation

Unless you are towing your own van or camper trailer for your road-tripping accommodation, you’re going to need hotels.

One way to reduce the amount of stuff you need to pack is to choose family-friendly hotels that include some of those essentials.

This includes places that have cots available and larger rooms to accommodate a family.

Keeping It Stress-Free

While it’s important to have a plan in place, remember that road trips with babies might not always go exactly as planned.

Allow room for spontaneity and unexpected detours.

It’s natural for babies to experience fussiness or restlessness during the journey since being confined to a car seat for hours on end is very different from sleeping in their bed or being held.

While you hope your baby sleeps for much of the journey, it won’t always go that way!

Conclusion: Road Trip With An Infant

Taking a road trip with a baby can feel daunting, especially if your baby is not a great car traveller at the best of times. Making sure you’ve packed the baby road trip essentials for your trip will help make your experience go much smoother and hopefully result in an exciting and memorable trip for the whole family. For more baby travel tips, check out our road trips with kids guide.

Road Trip Planning Resources

  • Step-by-step road trip planning guide
  • Road trip food list
  • Road trip packing list for families
  • RV packing list
  • Non-perishable food for road trips and camping
  • Road trip quotes
  • Conversation starters for road trips
  • Would you rather questions for road trips
  • Fun road trip game ideas
  • Activities for kids to play in the car
  • Road trip trivia questions and answers
  • Best songs to play on your road trip
  • Tips for breastfeeding during a road trip

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Baby Road Trip Essentials: Packing List & Travel Tips (6)

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

About Me

I am an expert in various topics, including travel, parenting, and road trips with babies. I have a deep understanding of the challenges and considerations involved in traveling with infants, drawing from a wide range of sources and personal experiences. My expertise extends to providing practical advice and essential tips for ensuring a smooth and enjoyable road trip experience with a baby.

Baby Road Trip Essentials

Embarking on a family road trip with a baby requires meticulous planning and consideration of various essential items to ensure the comfort, safety, and well-being of the infant. This article covers a comprehensive range of baby road trip essentials, including diaper changing essentials, feeding essentials, sleeping essentials, clothing, extra baby gear, and other must-haves for a road trip with a baby. Additionally, it offers valuable tips for car travel with a baby, road trip accommodation, and stress-free road trip strategies.

Concepts Covered in the Article

The article covers the following concepts related to baby road trip essentials:

  1. Diaper Changing Essentials: The importance of a well-equipped diaper changing station, including diapers, baby wipes, portable wipe dispenser, changing pad, and diaper rash cream.
  2. Feeding Essentials: Preparation for feeding on the go, including baby bottles, formula, breast milk, baby food, snacks, burp cloths, bibs, and portable breast pump.
  3. Sleeping Essentials: Ensuring a well-rested baby during the journey, including travel crib, swaddle or sleep sack, and sunshades or window covers.
  4. Clothing: Packing comfortable and weather-appropriate outfits, extra clothing, sun hat or beanie, mittens, and layering options.
  5. Extra Baby Gear: Essential baby gear such as a properly installed car seat, umbrella stroller, baby carrier or sling, portable high chair, toys, pacifier, baby toiletries, sealed bucket for reusable nappies, and play mat.
  6. Other Must-Haves: Additional items like a first aid kit, ziplock bags, baby-safe sunscreen, prescription medications, and passport for border crossings.
  7. Tips for Car Travel with a Baby: Practical tips for frequent stops, keeping frequent use items within reach, timing driving with naps, car travel safety, flexibility, road trip accommodation, and stress-free travel strategies.
  8. Road Trip Planning Resources: A variety of resources for comprehensive road trip planning, including food lists, packing lists, RV essentials, non-perishable food, conversation starters, fun game ideas, activities for kids, trivia questions, and music playlists.

The article provides a thorough guide for parents and caregivers, offering valuable insights and practical advice for a successful and enjoyable road trip with a baby. If you have any specific questions or need further details on any of these concepts, feel free to ask!

Baby Road Trip Essentials: Packing List & Travel Tips (2024)


How to pack for a road trip with an infant? ›

These are the supplies you'll want to keep close at hand when you're driving.
  1. Diapers: Have one for each hour of transit, plus extras, BabyCenter recommends.
  2. Wipes for diaper changes and messes.
  3. Diaper cream.
  4. Washable changing pad.
  5. Plastic bags for wet or dirty clothes and diapers.
  6. Burp cloths.
  7. Nursing cover.
  8. Blankets.
Apr 27, 2015

What to bring when traveling with a baby? ›

Newborn traveling does require that you keep certain items close by:
  • Wipes.
  • Diapers (not a whole box, just enough to get you to your nightly stop)
  • Burp cloth.
  • Muslin blanket.
  • Prepared bottle.
  • 2-3 toys.
Jul 18, 2023

How to prepare a baby for a long road trip? ›

Pack a diaper bag or cooler for the back seat to have handy essentials at your fingertips. This may include: extra diapers, wipes, diaper cream, changing pad, clothes, garbage bags to dispose of diapers, and hand sanitizer. formula or breast milk kept on ice or in a cooling bag, and bibs.

How to dress a baby for a long car ride? ›

Layers for safety and warmth

Dress your baby in a long-sleeved top, with a thin fleecy sweater. Add a heavy blanket over a buckled harness and a cozy hat that you can easily remove if she gets too warm. Be sure to tuck the blanket over her once she has been secured in the straps of the harness.

How long should a baby be in a car seat on a road trip? ›

How long should a baby be in a car seat? Lots of parents want to know "how long can babies stay in car seats?" The general advice is that your baby should sit/sleep in their car seat for no more than two hours at a time.

What is the best age to travel long haul with a baby? ›

The booking policy differs from one airline to another, so it is important to check directly with the airlines. . But three to seven months is a great window .

Does a diaper bag count as a carry-on? ›

Personal items

Your personal item like a purse or small handbag must fit under the seat in front of you. Dimensions should not exceed 18 x 14 x 8 inches (45 x 35 x 20 cm). These don't count as your personal item or carry-on: Diaper bags (1 per child)

How to pack a baby bag for travel? ›

Diaper Bag Essentials to Shop
  1. Diapers. Coterie Diaper. ...
  2. Wipes. Healthybaby Wet Wipes. ...
  3. Baby ointment. Aquaphor Baby Travel Size Healing Ointment. ...
  4. Changing pad. Skip Hop Portable Baby Changing Pad. ...
  5. Disposable diaper bags. Ubbi On The Go Gray Bag Dispenser. ...
  6. Pacifiers. Philips Avent Soothie Pacifier. ...
  7. Washcloths. ...
  8. Hand sanitizer.

At what age is it OK to travel with a baby? ›

When is my baby old enough to fly on an airplane? Generally, you should avoid flying with your newborn until they are at least 7 days old. Ideally, wait until your baby is two or three months old to fly. Air travel (and being in crowded airports) can increase a newborn's risk of catching an infectious disease.

What age does the 2 hour car seat rule end? ›

At What Age Does The Two-Hour Car Seat Rule End? The two-hour car seat rule age is not specific, but it should be followed until the baby is old enough to sit upright and control their head and neck movement.

How often should I stop on a road trip with my baby? ›

For every 2-3 hours of driving, you will probably have to take a 30-minute break. Sometimes, you'll find yourself stopping even more frequently than that. A common misconception is that traveling gets easier as your child gets older.

When to take baby on first road trip? ›

Many pediatricians recommend waiting until your child is at least 3 months old before traveling long distances.

Can a baby wear a thick onesie in a car seat? ›

Never secure child in infant carrier dressed in a bulky garment or heavy clothing.

How to feed a baby on a road trip? ›

Feeding Baby on a Road Trip
  1. For those using formula, a formula dispenser is going to be a very good friend to you. ...
  2. If you're breastfeeding, build in some extra time to your road trip to stop and feed baby. ...
  3. If baby is eating some solids, it's best to avoid anything that can stain.

What to pack for a baby long trip? ›

Carry-On Bag
  1. Nappies and wipes. : Carry enough nappies and wipes for the duration of the flight plus some extras just in case there are delays.
  2. Change of clothes. ...
  3. Blanket or swaddle. ...
  4. Dummies and comforters. ...
  5. Snacks and baby food. ...
  6. Bottles and formula. ...
  7. Hand sanitiser. ...
  8. Baby carrier or sling.
Sep 3, 2023

How soon can you take a newborn on a road trip? ›

Many pediatricians recommend waiting until your child is at least 3 months old before traveling long distances. This allows for their immune system to be better developed, making them more resistant to infections. This applies to babies who are born full-term and have no other health conditions.

How many diapers to pack for 3 days? ›

You can also pack your daily usage plus two extra diapers per day. If you're unsure how many you'll need, start with at least 10 and keep track of how quickly you use them. When packing for a road trip, make sure to have a separate bag just for diapers and baby supplies.

Where do babies sleep when traveling? ›

When traveling, babies should sleep alone in a crib, portable crib, bassinet or pack and play.

How do you travel with a baby that needs a car seat? ›

For example, families frequently on the move with infants may consider purchasing a travel system or car seat travel bag to carry their car seat through the airport. Travel systems feature car seats that connect directly to the stroller, making it easier to get through the airport after checking in with TSA.


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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.